Part 5

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The next morning came. I woke up to the smell of pancakes and maple syrup. As soon as I got out of bed ( and of course ate my pancakes ) Eliz and I Left for the mall. We rushed into Tally Weijl and started looking for our dresses. Eliz found her dress immediately. It was a knee length, black dress with sequins along the collar and a low cut at the back. She paired it with a pair of black pumps that matched perfectly. I on the other hand got a long dark blue dress with a cut out that went from the bottom of the dress to the bottom of my thigh. It had a sweet heart neckline and a low cut back. I paired it with a black pair of pointed shoes with a gold ankle chain attached. Then we immediately went to Starbucks and searched on Pinterest for cute hair ideas to match out outfits. Eliz decided to go with curled hair but all of it was pushed to the left side. My hair was a little more simple. All I did was straighten it as usual. I did Eliz's makeup and she did mine. I blended a black eyeshadow and a gold eyeshadow to create the perfect smokey eye for her. I paired that with black liquid liner and red matte lipstick. When it was my turn I asked for a light brown smokey eye paired with liquid eyeliner and I also wore a red matte lipstick. Sam wore a black tux with a dark purple, striped tie. We got in Eliz's car and we made Sam sit at the back. After a good 30 minute drive where we sang our hearts out and Sam mocking us while sitting at the back, we finally arrived to the premiere. It was beautiful, magical even. I was speechless. We were right on time to see the celebrities walk the carpet. Since Sam is internet famous he and Eliz were invited to walk the carpet too. Of course I walked on the carpet with them as their plus 1 but I'm sure no one knew who I was. As I was walking into the theatre I caught a glimpse of my ex boyfriend, Jake with his new girlfriend. She was so beautiful. Prettier than I could ever be. I couldn't stand the thought of him moving on. We'd been through so much and he moved on so easily. I ran towards the bathroom to make sure I wasn't seen crying. The girls bathroom was too crowded so I had no choice but to go into the boys bathroom. I ran inside a stall and cried until I heard a knock on the door. I tried to keep myself from crying and I just sniffled a little.

Anna: Y-Yes?

Person: Are you ok?

Anna: Yea I, I'm fine.

Person: Are you sure? You don't sound fine. Just come out and I can help you.

Anna: emm O-Ok.

I got out of the stall with my head facing down because I was too embarrassed to look at this person in the eyes. I wouldn't want anyone to see me in such a bad state. I opened the door and walked out.

Person: Wanna tell me what's wrong? It might help..

I looked up and I still can't believe who I saw. It was nat Wolff. AKA the main actor in paper towns. Oh God he was cute.

Anna: I'm fine, I just. I got something in my eye and..

Nat: And are you gonna tell me the truth?

Anna: You don't have time to hear about my problems. Your movie premiere is starting in a few minutes.

Nat: I'm not leaving until there's a smile on you face.

Anna: You don't even know me.

Nat: It doesn't matter. You don't look like a bad person. So, tell me what's wrong.

Anna: Wow. Well. My ex. He's here tonight with a girl that's 10 times prettier than me and he moved on so fast. I'm so stupid.

Nat: Stop. You're not stupid. Plus there's no way she's prettier than you.

Anna: How would you know.

Nat: Well I can see you, and you're really beautiful.

I blushed right when he said that. I smiled and he smiled back. He took my hand away from my face and held it.

Nat: I girl as pretty as you shouldn't be crying. Come, let's go watch the movie together.

Anna: Okay.

We walked together. So many thoughts were running through my mind.
Is this real? What just happened? I couldn't believe it. The press were waiting at the entrance of the theatre for Nat. He is one of the main characters so I guess that's why. His hand was on my back as if guiding me. As we walked through the entrance, the press started taking hundreds of pictures.


Everything was so crazy. He ignores the questions and we he brought me to sit down next to him. We watched the whole movie silently. We didn't interact in any way. I think we were both a little shy. Once the movie finished, the theatre emptied. He walked me outside. I saw Eliz and Sam waiting inside the car anxiously. We talked for a few minutes but we both then needed to go. He asked me for my phone number which shocked me.

Nat: I know it's kind of crazy to ask but, is it possible to give me you phone number? So we can finish this conversation some other time?

Anna: Yea, Sure!

I took out a piece of paper from my purse and wrote down my number.

Anna: Here. You can call me any day, any time except from early in the morning. I like sleeping in.

We both laughed and said our goodbyes. After he walked away I walked towards the car and once I got in I was bombarded with questions from both Eliz AND Sam.

Sam: WHAT?! HOW?!

Eliz: When I saw you run to the bathrooms I ran behind you. I didn't see you go inside the boys bathrooms so I waited in the girls bathrooms.

Anna: Thanks but I didn't want it to be too crowded so I just ran into the boys bathroom. I cried for a little in a stall but I heard a knock on the stall door. I didn't know who it was but they helped me and told me to just come out and talk about it. So I did, and now this all happened.

Eliz: Do you think he'll call you?

Anna: He's a nice guy but I don't think he'll remember me.

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