Part 21

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I can't believe it's almost New Year's Eve. It feels like the year just flew by so fast. Wow. I really just can't believe how fast everything has happened.

Anyway, Nat and I decided to host a small family party for the occasion since Eliz and Sam hosted the Christmas / Hanukkah party.

Meanwhile, it was finally time to find out what genders Eliz is having. Sam has gone away for a few days so she wants to surprise him with the genders. She asked me what to do. She wanted to do something that would really be memorable, so when she asked me I came up with the best idea ever. I told her that I would help her bake a cake which would either be blue, pink or a mixture of blue and pink on the inside. She also asked Sam's mother and she suggested to buy either a dress, a flannel or both to resemble the gender. We decided to surprise Sam with the clothing thing and surprise the rest of the family with the cake on New Year's Eve. It was perfect.

We had just under a week left before the end of the year so the director of the film I'm in, told us to come on set for these days to film any missing footage from when I was in the hospital.

Nat and I woke up early in the morning and off we went to the set. This time we were filming the end of the movie because that was all that was left. We needed approximately 1 more week of filming until the movie filming would be complete.

We drove to set and went straight to hair and makeup. We filmed the part where Nat realizes that he loves me and he comes, confessed his love and we kiss. It was the best part of the movie in my opinion.

At the end of filming we drove around the city and ended up going to the Hollywood sign. We ran around it and took lots of pictures before we just sat down and had a serious talk with each other about our futures. He told me that he loves me but he doesn't wanna rush our relationship and get married soon. Inside I whimpering but on the outside I just accepted it and cuddled with him.

No matter what I don't want to do anything that makes him uncomfortable. I love him and I have to accept his choices.

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