Part 27

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It was 5am. I got a call from Eliz saying that since Sam went to visit his cousins in New York and she was alone with the kids, she couldn't cope. I mean if it was just one kid then I would think that she's overreacting but she has two kids. She can't just feed and change and play with two kids without being tired as hell.

I picked up the phone and answered immediately.

Anna: Eliz? What's wrong? Should I come over? Are the kids okay? Are you okay?

I was so worried.

Eliz: Nothing we're all fine. I just need help because it's time to feed Ethan and Anna isn't sleeping. I just need a little help.

Anna: I'll be right over.

In the midst of this happening, Nat woke up. I gave him a kiss and told him what happened and I left.

I walked there because it was in the same neighborhood. I got there after around 5 minutes and used my extra key to get in. It was still dark outside. I opened the door and saw Eliz trying to comfort Anna whilst feeding Ethan.

Anna: I'm here. I'll try put Anna to sleep while you feed Ethan okay?

Eliz: Yea thanks for coming at such and hour.

Anna: Don't worry. You can call me anytime.

I walked over to Anna and sang a little lalaby. I gave her, her pacifier and she started to fall asleep. I stayed there for a while because babies sometimes get uncomfortable when someone isn't with them. After around 30 minutes, I slowly got up and walked away from her. Eliz was done feeding Ethan and he immediately started to get sleepy. She put him in his crib and let him rest.

Anna: So any news?

Eliz: Ehhh. Well. Not much. The kids are amazing and growing so fast, but it gets difficult. You know with twins and all.

Anna: Yea.

Eliz: But on the bright side, my boobs are 10 times bigger than they used to be.

We bother tried to hold back the laughter because we didn't want to wake the kids.

I ended up sleeping on the couch for a few hours until I heard a knock on the door. Eliz and I both woke up and she went to open it. It was Nat.

Nat: Good Morning, I believe my fiancé is here?

Eliz: Oh no how did you find out???

Nat: I knew it. She's cheating on me with you!

Anna; Nat it's not what it looks like!

We all started to laugh until our stomaches hurt.

I heard one of the babies cry and as soon as Eliz heard it she started walking towards it. I told her to sit and rest because I could tell that she was very tired and I went to get the baby. It was Ethan.

I picked him up and held him in my arms. I sang to him a little while walking to Nat. He came up from behind me and kissed my neck.

Nat: You're really good with kids.

Anna: Yea. I just love them so much.

Nat: Maybe one day we'll have kids of our own.

Anna: One day. We started moving back and forth as if slow dancing and it seemed to calm Ethan down. Eliz came in and took Ethan.

Eliz: I wouldn't want to interrupt your romantic moment.

Anna: Don't worry about it.

We kept Eliz company until the afternoon when Sam came home.
Eliz thanked us for helping and we left for home.

Another day was gone. I was so excited because tomorrow I was finally going wedding dress shopping with my mum and Eliz.

3 month. 3 months until I marry the love of my life.

One Girl, One WorldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ