Heading into trouble - II

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Dedicated to @FelicrisProcorato for being so agitated for me to update... lol. You have it now, dear.




Trapeze, Clydesville.

Zahra came home that night to find her apartment, thankfully, very much intact. She kicked off her shoes and massaged her feet tiredly. It had been a long day. There'd been one too many briefings to attend to, and Mr. Walworth was irritating to the point of pestering, to ask everyone to keep safe. She remembered their short private conversation distinctly.

She was just moving out of the Conference Room like everyone else when he'd called her back. "I hope you're well, Ms. Fatimah," he'd said to her, helping himself to a cup of coffee. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." "Good. Though I'd like you to tell me if there's anything wrong, alright? You don't seem very well. I've seen you in better days." "N..no, sir, there's nothing of the kind. I am doing very well, thank you," Zahra had answered decidedly, though coolly. "It's only that I haven't had any contact with my parents lately, and that's troubling me a bit. Nothing more... really," she'd added, as an afterthought.

"If you say so. Do tell me how they're doing when you connect with them again, by the way," he'd told her pointedly. It seemed as if all of a sudden, everyone wanted to keep tabs with her life. But she shouldn't be ungrateful, she'd thought. It was a blessing in troubling times as these. 

"Anyway, I haven't heard any of those bright ideas from you in days. I hope you haven't quite lost your spark!" he'd said, his eyes twinkling behind his glasses, making her smile in spite of herself. "I'm actually up to a few changes in the Organization, sir. I'd thought of discussing it with Mr. Hammond, but I haven't been able to, as yet." "Well then, make it into a small document and mail it to me directly. I'll see for it myself." Zahra had nodded in acquiescence. She'd wondered why he'd detained her.

"You should get going now. It's getting late. The streets aren't exactly safe these days, either. You walk to your place, don't you?" Mr. Walworth had asked her and she'd confirmed his assertion by nodding her head. "Then, let me escort you till the gates." "Oh, no sir, there's no need, really!"

"Look here, I'm an old man, Ms. Fatimah. I don't like to be left hanging about the results, ever. In your case, it will be you reaching home safely. Besides, you look like you do need some company. Consider me like a father dropping his child to the safety of her home, will you?"

"And do have faith in us a little. We won't let anything happen to any of you." He'd made sure to include everyone. "Your CEO would hate me forever if he came to find his employees pale and dejected with fear. He likes to have fresh minds at the Company's disposal." And there it'd been, out in the open, what he'd wanted to say all along. Though he'd made sure to never single her out in any of his statements. What was his son up to?!

Zahra shrugged off the complacent thoughts that baffled her mind somewhat and hastily checked her phone, only to find a single missed call by Rajani. She called the girl to inform her she was fine, and then proceeded to check her texts, and all of her social media to see anything of interest. She scrolled through her Facebook newsfeed in order to see anything from her best friend, but it seemed like Avi hadn't come here in days! 

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