True friends be like... 'Gemstones in a Haystack!'

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I request each one of you to 'not' be silent readers. Tell me what you feel about the book. how it's going or if there's any improvement needed to be done. Tell me your favorite moments or your favorite chapter in the comments below, I will be highly obliged to you.

thanx to @aishalam for the amazing cover ^_^ *_*


“Zahra, I’m going in to see your father. You can meet him after I come back. You really need to take some rest child, your eyes are swollen and red from crying so much,” Zareena said worriedly, seeing her daughter’s pitiable state. “I’m fine Amma. You go in and I’ll wait here,” Zahra replied, her voice faltering. “Avi, dear, see to it that she eats something okay. I’ll call both of you if he asks about you,” Zareena said as she went inside, and Avi nodded in acquiescence.

“Okay, now that I’ve got the responsibility of filling up your tummy with some food, come, I’ll show how we awesome people eat. And you will copy my movements,” Avi said, winking, and pulled her friend towards the door to go out. Seeing Zahra resist, she shrugged and said, “Zee, it was not your fault. Why don’t you understand that? You should be grateful that it’s over…and it was for the better.”

“I know it’s not easy to forget anything like that, but for how long will you mourn? Just snap your brain out of it. He’s not worth giving a thought, alright.” “I just wanna go back. I don’t feel secure here, anymore. This place makes me feel suffocated, makes me feel sick,” Zahra replied as a tear detached itself from her soaked lashes and made its way onto her tear-stained cheek.

“But your parents. They can’t bear to part with you, at least not right now. You should stay till your dad becomes healthy again, and then no one will stop you from going back,” Avi suggested, trying to make her get a grip on the situation.

“You know very well that he’s not my dad,” Zahra said, clenching her teeth. “It doesn’t mean that I don’t love him, but I just can’t be here anymore, and I want you to come with me. Please Avi, I can’t bear to stay. The whole scene keeps playing and replaying through my mind,” Zahra implored.

“Okay I will, if that’s what makes you happy,” Avi replied, sighing. “But first, you will have to eat whatever I put on your plate. Even if it’s the size of a mountain, got it,” Avi said, squinting her eyes at her friend, and Zahra nodded, letting a feeble smile play on her lips for a split second. “And for god’s sake, smile a bit. It suits you.”

“Zahra, child, your Abba is calling you. Come,” Zareena said to her daughter as she came out of the patient’s room.

“I want you and Avi to come with me, because I need to tell you something,” Zahra replied, resolutely taking Avi’s hand in hers. “Can’t it wait dear? I don’t think it would be a good idea to put any pressure on him at the moment,” Zareena said, preventing her from putting any kind of emotional strain on her father’s mind.

“How are you Abba?” Zahra asked as she sat beside her father’s bed. “I’ve been better dear. Did you eat anything ever since…?” Arif trailed off. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything about the incident. “Yes Abba… I’ve eaten my lunch,” she lied. “You should eat something too.” “I’ve had my lunch, Alhamdulillah. Your mum was kind enough to feed me nice, home- cooked food,” Arif said and smiled.

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