If only one could TURN back time!

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DEDICATED TO @exclusive99 for her awesome support :) I didn't thank you enough girl... Keep reading!!

Without wasting a second more, David ran out of the park at top speed as if racing with time, leaving the bewildered boy standing rooted to the spot. At first, he couldn’t find her anywhere on the road. And then he spotted her. The scene he saw made his insides churn and caused a shiver to run down his spine, for Zahra was lying on the road in a pool of her own blood!

The whole world began to swirl in front of his eyes, but he quickly put himself together and bent down to pick her up. If he waited for the paramedics to arrive, it might be too late. Her condition was serious. Thankfully, the St. Catherine hospital was just a block away, or there would’ve been no chance for Zahra of surviving her injuries. Spotting her handbag on the other side of the road, he ran to get it. And then, he quickly yet gently picked her up in his arms.

Zahra was so light in weight that David couldn’t even feel her in his arms. Only when he stared down, while running at top speed, at the load in his hands, did he realize that he was actually carrying a real person upon his muscular arms. She was really short in comparison to his own six feet. His head throbbed with pain seeing Zahra’s blood smeared face and he mentally cursed himself for bringing her to such a condition. He was a selfish brute and the proof of it was in his hands right now.

“I need a doctor please,” he shouted urgently the moment he reached the hospital. Two nurses came running up to him with a stretcher between them. David gently laid Zahra upon it and they wheeled her away to the E.R. Heaving a sigh of relief, he crumbled upon the seat nearby with his head between his hands. Exhaustion was rapidly taking over him. What wouldn’t he do to be in his comfy bed right now and doze off to sleep? He felt extremely tired, even when he had done nothing to make him feel that way. 

This was the gravest mistake he had ever made in his life. Avenging somebody else’s horrible crime with such an innocent and sensitive little creature was justice to none. When did he become so inhumane? ‘She was aggravating’ his mind foolishly tried to reason, but that was an idiotic judgement of a person’s nature who dressed not to please the opposite sex but for her own security and respect.

Recalling to mind his cruel behavior to her in almost all their meetings in the past five or six months, all he could do was clutch his dark brown hair in agony and flex his muscles in a tensed manner. He had got blood on his suit due to carrying the girl over to the hospital, and people gazed openly at him in wonderment. Presently, he relieved himself of his coat, made it into a ball and thrust it into a corner of his chair.

He had stopped feeling guilty for anything he did wrong, ever since his mother died when he was just twelve years old. He felt as if he was taking out all his anger of the pains and scars he had received from life, by making people feel bad, feel hurt. In short, he had become somewhat sadistic.

There had been countless moments when he had broken extremely profiting deals of his father’s company just by uttering wrong words at the wrong time. And he never gave it a thought afterwards. He liked to give people a piece of his mind, even if they liked it or not. The media had often dubbed him as the ‘short-fused’ CEO.

But now, he felt ridden with guilt. He had never regretted doing anything in his life as he did right now. He kept questioning himself as to the need of insulting the girl so harshly. And it was only now he realized, he always had so much of his own way that he felt as if he owned everything and everyone. That he could boss people around the whole place, make them dance and whirl around his little finger.

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