Rosaline looked at the man in front of her searching his face. His eyebrows were furrowed and eyes full of worry and concern as his lips were thinned. She wanted to kiss him to show how thankful she was for him coming to save her. He was like her very own guardian angel.
She was about to lean in until she caught a glance of the other man in the room. Rhyvos stood leant against the wall to her right, not far from the bed she sat on, with his arms crossed. He wore simple casual clothes for the first time since she's been there. Looking up to his face she was surprised to see in his eyes the same thing she saw in Abellon's. She looked to her left to see Darcy standing with her head bowed probably feeling guilty for slapping her and then looked back to Abellon who moved his hands to her shoulders waiting for an answer.

Opening her mouth she tried to speak but it only came out as a croak. Darcy quickly ran out of the room and a minute later came back with a glass of water. Handing it to Abellon she went back to where she was as he brought the rim to Rosaline's lips. She took small sips until it was all gone and Abel sat it on the nightstand. Clearing her throat she tried again.

"W..where am I?"

"You are in the room that you were in when you first had injuries being treated to."

Furrowing her eyebrows she looked around realizing that she was in the same room. Her eyes stopped on Rhyvos who looked away and to the floor.

"How are you feeling?" Abellon repeated his earlier question drawing her attention back to him.

Rosaline pursed her lips doing a mental inspection on her body to see if anything hurt or felt wrong. When she found none she looked back to him.

"I feel okay."

She heard a collection of sighs in relief and looked around to see relieved looks as if they were afraid that she was still hurting. Abellon grabbed her attention again.

"Do you remember what happened?"

She tilted her head in confusion and realized he was talking about how she ended up in her position. Her stomach dropped, just thinking back to all that has happened to her brought fresh tears to her eyes. She wanted to act as if the experience hardened her and made her feel like she can get through anything now but it would all be a lie. She has never felt so weak in her life. She felt as if she could break into a million pieces at any minute. Fear has dug it's claws into her heart and she doesn't know if it will ever let go.

Pushing away from Abellon she scooted up to the headboard bringing her legs against her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She didn't want to show weakness in front of the three wolfs in front of her. Abellon watched her in confusion as Rhyvos stepped closer.

"Everything will be okay, love. You have nothing to fear. Nobody will hurt you. We just need to know what happened in order to straighten things out. That's all and then you will be left to rest more if you like."

He reached out and rested his hand against her arm causing her to flinch slightly but nod nevertheless.
She tried to clear her mind of the horrific details and only pick out what they needed to know.

"I was in the room where the garden is held and I was looking at some roses when two wolfs came out of nowhere. They chased me like a pack after a scared dear and cornered me. When they shifted back it was a really big man, the one that I ran into in the hallway on my way there, and this really mean one who admitted to being at the same place where the kings last pet was murdered."

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