Chapter 47-Anklebiters

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To Eidee's pleasure, the stay with Louis' mother ended quickly. As much as she was glad nobody hated her, putting up with Louis' sisters pestering her about the fact that she was pregnant had finally gotten on her nervous. She'd flat out told Louis she was leaving, even if he wasn't. Though she knew she wouldn't leave without Louis, but he didn't know that. Eidee had somehow found a small part of excitement in Louis discussing baby names with her. Even though she blew most of his ideas off, just hearing him talk about it made him more and more attractive.

"...Jamie." Eidee said bluntly. "It's good for a boy and a girl."

"Nah." Louis replied shaking his head. Eidee rolled her eyes and got up from the lounge. "Where're you going?"

"To find baby names."

"I don't think you're gonna find them in the kitchen..."

"Says who?"

"Says I'm not naming my kid a kind of food."

"I've got it!" Eidee exclaimed. "If its a boy, Tobias. If its a girl, Isabella."

"So basically, Toby or Bella?" Louis asked his lip curled.

"No, Tobias or Isabella."

"Yeah Eidee, that's Toby or Bella."

"Tobias is off the table then." Eidee mumbled.

"It never was on the table." Louis replied humorously.

"I don't mind Bella though..."

"You know that's practically setting out daughter up to get attacked by vampires?"

"Besides the fact that vampires don't exist."

"That's what Bella in twilight thought." Louis commented. Eidee sat back on the lounge her lips pursed and eyes glued to Louis.

"Are you sure we should do this?" She muttered. "What happens if we do break up?"

"Then what you said happens-except I get married first."

Eidee rolled her eyes and pegged a pillow at Louis, a grin on her face.

"We both know i'll get married first in that scenario."

"I don't believe you." Louis scoffed.

"You better start-"

Eidee was cut off by 'Tears' echoing from her phone. Eidee groaned when she saw the caller ID, nevertheless she answered.

"Hi mum." Eidee muttered.

Louis watched intently as Eidee miserably talked.

"What? Tonight?" Eidee muttered. "I...I'll-yeah, fine. We'll be there"

Eidee moved the phone from her ear and miserably put it on the lounge. Horror was all over her face as she looked at Louis cautiously.

"Louis," Eidee muttered. "We've got a problem."


"My mum and dad decided to come to London. And they want to see me, meet you. Tonight."

Louis' eyes widened. "Tonight?"

"Yeah, I told her yes, 'cause my mums well, very lets say persistent. And, she wants to meet you."

"You want me to meet your parents?"

"Mmm hmm."


"Seven thirty on the dot, but..." Eidee dragged on.

"There's a catch isn't there?" Louis said with narrowed eyes.

"Tellie can't come. My parents would freak if they knew you had a kid, they don't even know you are you. They think I'm dating some random not Louis Tomlinson from One Direction."

"And what do you suppose I do with Tellie?" Louis replied curtly.

"Ask Harry to watch her, he's been really lonely lately."

"His girlfriend dumped him of course he's lonely."

"Can you just please get someone to watch Tellie? The last thing I need is the first time my parents meet my boyfriend his six year old telling them I'm pregnant."

"I see your point, I'll ask Harry to watch her."

"Thank you." Eidee said kissing his cheek, she then rose from the lounge horror still lingering in her eyes.

"Where're you going now?" Louis asked watching Eidee closely.

"Dude, if I have to go out with you and my parents I'm gonna look pretty damn sexy." Eidee replied. "Problem?"

"No, I'm okay with that." Louis said his eyes lighting up.

Eidee felt sick at the idea of her parents meeting Louis, she could see them practically saying all kind of things to make him feel more uncomfortable but as Eidee sat on Louis' bed dully waiting for him to come back from dropping Tellie of at Harry's, Louis didn't even seem nervous, he seemed humored by it all. Eidee's head flicked up when she heard the sound of the front door opening down stairs.

Eidee rose from the bed and quickly left the room and went straight to the staircase, the sound of her green high heels tapping clacking against the stairs.

"Hurry up and get dressed." Eidee snapped nervously.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Dude, you look like you just dropped your kid off at your friends house."

"That's cause I ju-"

"Dress like you're going to the TCA's or something, this is my parents, they aren't exactly...the do I say this...pretty much they think they're superior to man kind."

"Now I'm starting to feel nervous..."

Louis had no idea where they were going, Eidee was leading him through a very classy restaurant biting her lip as she did.

"Why are you so nervous?" Louis asked finally. "It's your parents, haven't you kinda known them your whole life?"

"Known, can have to very different meanings." Eidee muttered. "Look Lou, my mother may come off nice and sweet but she's going to tear you apart. And don't call my father by his first name unless he asks you to."

"Got it."

Eidee lead them towards a table where two people were sitting, they weren't exactly old, but weren't very young either. The woman's dark brown hair was pinned up with multiple clips her bones hands place on the table. Her blue eyes were gazing at her husband with interest as he spoke, his ink black hair had grey coming through standing out on his pale face. He had cold dark features, his icy eyes shinning brightly in the light.

"Eidee, darling." The woman said sweetly. Eidee gulped.

"Hey, mum, dad." She replied curtly. "Um, this is Louis. Louis, this parents."

"Nice to meet you mr and mrs Quaver."

"Please darling," Eidee's mother cut in. "Mrs Quaver is my mother in law, call me Victoria, and my husband Clifford."

Eidee looked even more sickened as her and Louis sat down at the table. Victoria had a sweet feel about her but Louis was instantly reminded of what Eidee had said.

"So you're the young man dating my daughter." Clifford said pleasantly.

"Yes I am sir." Louis replied.

"I've been wanting to meet you ever since Eidee told us she was dating. I'm very protective of my daughter you know."

"I can understand."

Eidee shot Louis a death glare.

"I mean," Louis corrected. "It makes sense you know..."

Clifford and Victoria looked slightly confused but both seemed to shake it off.

"So, Louis," Victoria began still using the same sweet tone. "What career have you got? I'm sure Eidee mentioned it once but it suddenly slipped from my mind."

"Um, I'm in a band..." Louis replied unsurely.

"Is that so?" Clifford said looking impressed. "And what band would that be?"

"He's in One Direction," Eidee sniffed. "You know, they're number one world wide."

"I've heard of them once or twice." Clifford muttered taken aback.

"You never said you were dating a celebrity Eidee." Victoria said looking surprised but joyful.

"You never asked." Eidee hissed. "Besides, if you paid attention to the media you would know."

Victoria pursed her lips looking just as taken aback as her husband.

"I wonder what's taking the waiter so long." Clifford mused.

"Not everything happens when you want it to father." Eidee hissed. Louis was slightly confused by Eidee's reply's, it sounded like she was specifically trying to start an argument with either of her parents, but Louis didn't bother to question.

"Well, are you's to living together yet?" Victoria asked with a grin. Eidee's jaw dropped but she quickly closed her mouth looking at Louis to answer.

"Um, we um, we we're thinking about it." Louis replied nervously. Victoria nodded as the waiter walked towards the table.

"About time." Clifford snapped. "We'd like the best wine you can give me, chop chop."

The waiter whisked away quickly not even second questioning Clifford.

"Why do you have to be so rude?" Eidee hissed.

"Well, I own the place do I don't see why I can't." Clifford replied tartly.

Eidee cursed under her breath earning a surprised look from Victoria and a snigger off Louis.

Minutes later the waiter returned with the wine Clifford dully sending him away.

"Wine Louis?" Clifford asked.

"Um..." Louis muttered, he looked at Eidee who was mouthing 'yes' her face in all seriousness. "Yeah."

"Eidee doesn't drink wine," Victoria mused as she sipped her drink. "But all of her boyfriends seems to, I guess she's just attracted to those kind of people."

"What kind of people?" Eidee asked.

"Good people." Clifford said with a beam. "Now, where is that waiter..."

"You sent him away."Eidee hissed. "I don't think he'll back coming back."

"I gu-"

Clifford was cut off by Louis' phone ringing loudly. Victoria curled her lips as Louis pulled his phone from his pocket.

"II'm kinda busy right now Harry." Louis said into his phone.

"Lou." Eidee whispered.

"Give her some Panadol or something." Louis muttered. He looked to Eidee. "Excuse me please."

He rose from his seat quickly walking away from the table talking into the phone.

"Well, he's much nicer than most boys you introduce us to." Clifford said as he drank his wine.

"I must admit," Victoria started. "He is nicer than Jack-but whatever happened to Julian? You knew I loved that boy."

"Exactly. You loved him, not me."

"Well, I still think you should go back to Julian-"

"Seriously mum? Just stop. I left him for a reason, can't you just be happy for me?"

"She's right Victoria," Clifford said shocking Eidee. "At least this one hasn't knocked her up."

"Clifford!" Victoria hissed. "Don't say stuff like that in here, what if somebody heard?"

"So you guys are embarrassed by me? Embarrassed that your perfect daughter got knocked up at sixteen? Well guess what mum, heaps of girls do, there's a whole show about it." Wouldn't surprise me if you were on it.

Victoria sipped her drink as Louis walked back over to the table.


"I've gotta go." He said automatically. "Tellie's sick, i'll have to skip this." he turned to Clifford and Victoria. "pleasure netting you, but maybe some other time."

"But Lou-"

"I'll call you tonight." Louis said, he kissed Eidee's cheek before walking away from the table, leaving Eidee and parents alone.

"Well, have I ever." Victoria exclaimed. "And here I was thinking he was a nice guy, and what does he do? "Skips" out on us, Eidee if he didn't want to come-"

"What's your problem?" Eidee snapped. "So what something happened big deal."

"I for one think that it is rude to leave before we even started. Just because someone's "sick" doesn't mean he has to get up and leave."

Eidee looked horrified. "His six year old daughters sick. His freaking six year old daughter, and all you's can do is bitch about it?"

Both Clifford and Victoria looked horrified.

"Eidee." Victoria exclaimed. "You-"

But Eidee never heard the what her mother was going to say.

"Wouldn't the child, be with it's mother anyway? Clifford asked. "Why would she need him?"

"She doesn't have a mother." Eidee sassed. "Louis' all shes got, of course he's going to rush to her because he is all she's goddamn got."

"Don't you dare use the lords name in vain." Victoria hissed.

"So, not only are you dating, a man with a child, but a widower as well?"

"What? No, he's never been married."

"So, he had a child out of wedlock?"

"Yes, when he was seventeen if I may add." Eidee snapped as she rose to her feet. "I don't see why you have a problem with him leaving, when I was younger and you's were out and someone called you telling you I was sick wouldn't you come straight home?"

"Now Eidee. Victoria started. "There are such things as manners no matter what the scenario is-"

"Well I see how it is! Lovely seeing you's again isn't it! I think ill he leaving now-before 'we've end fan started'" Eidee shouted walking away. She quickly turned glaring at her parents. "Oh, and by the way! He did knock me up!"

"...You okay baby?" Louis cooed as he put his hand on Tellie's forehead. Tellie had tears in her eyes but still nodded slowly.

"She's gonna be okay right?" Harry asked from behind.

"Yeah," Louis replied. "I think so. I'll just take her home."

"She was throwing up before, but I think she's stopped."

"Shouldn't have gone out tonight," Louis muttered under his breath. "She said on she was feeling sick before I dropped her off."

"Hey, it doesn't matter, we had a good time before."

"I'll call you tomorrow." Louis said as he picked Tellie up into his arms.

"If she gets worse call me." Harry said.


Louis walked out the door holding Tellie, her arms around his neck as she cried into him.

"Hey, it's okay Tell-Tell, its okay." He cooed.

"I wanna go home." She whispered through tears.

"Yeah we're going home okay?" Louis said as he opened the back door of his car.

"Will Eleanor be there?"

Louis was shocked, he hadn't heard Eleanor's name since Chantelle said she got a new boyfriend, and hearing Tellie ask for her made Louis feel more terrible about what had happened.

"No she won't." Louis muttered.

"Why not?"

"Well love-"

"She's my mummy isn't she?"

Louis blinked in surprise. He didn't see that coming...

"We'll talk about it when you're better okay?" He said as he put her seatbelt on. He shut the door and walked to the front of the car, only feeling regret.






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