Chapter 13-Marry Me?

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"...Louis why are we doing this?" El asked as they sat in a restaurant. "Come on Lou what's the occasion?"

"Do I need an occasion to go away with my girlfriend for two weeks?" He asked his eyes traveling around the room.

"Well it's just kinda weird...we're in the Bahamas for two weeks! For absolute no reason," El laughed and gazed around the room. "It's just...just crazy."

"Well I wanted to spend some alone time with you, you've gotta hand it to Tellie, she knows how to keep someone busy..." Louis replied with a chuckle.

"So what's for dessert?" El teased as she took a sip of her drink.

"I'll be back in a sec." Louis muttered getting up from the table.

"Where're you going?" El asked watching Louis.

"Bathroom..." Louis lied. "I'll be back in a sec."

Louis walked away from the table glancing back at El every few seconds as he walked towards the Maître d'.

"Hey um..." He started. "Me and my girlfriend are over there and um I'm gonna propose to her-"

"Ring in the dessert?" The Maître d' asked kindly.

"Yeah." Louis replied nervously.

"Sure thing I'll take the ring to the kitchen for you and get it organised."

"Thank you so much..." Louis muttered as he pulled the box from the pocket of his tux and handed it to the red haired Maître d'.

"No problem, we have people do it all the time."

"Thanks." Louis replied with a smile. He walked away and back towards the table while smiling.

"So Louis spill." El said as Louis sat back at the table. "Why are we here?"

"I told you, I just wanted to spend time with you, is it against the law?"

"No trust me I like it, but I know your lying, there's a reason for this your just not telling me."

Louis bit his lip as El narrowed her eyes.

"If you don't tell me," she started as a waiter came and placed two plates of cheesecake on the table. "I'm never leaving this place and you can pay for everything."

"Just eat." Louis replied trying to hide his eagerness.

"Not until you tell me."

"Eat please."

"Will you tell me after?"

"Just eat."

"Fine." El snapped her eyes still narrow. "Why can't you just tell me? Whats the problem..."

El trailed of as her eyes widened.

"Louis... Lou there's a ring in this..." She mused holding the engagement ring in her fingers.

"El I love you, more than anything, I don't think I'd have survived without you...and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Louis spoke truthfully as got on one knee. "Eleanor Jane Calder, will you marry me?"

"Yes." She shouted quickly not even hesitating. "Louis yes...yes."

Eleanor wrapped her arms around Louis as he slipped the ring on her finger.

"I love you..." Eleanor whispered as she kissed Louis. Louis smiled and kissed back, feeling the happiest he'd ever felt.


SMALL UPDATE............







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