Chapter 10-Boyfriend's & Cake

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"...I got an invitation today!" Danielle sang as she, Perrie and Eleanor who was holding Tellie's hand walked out of Starbucks.

"An invitation to what?" Perrie replied as she sipped her drink.

"Zayn's wedding..." Danielle shrugged.

"You got invited?" Perrie exclaimed her eyes widening.

Eleanor chuckled. "Of course! Darian invited nearly half the population! I swear it's gonna be a paparazzi hotspot!"

"I spoke to Zayn the other day, he said it was only gonna be small-family and close friends..." Perrie replied with a small frown as they continued walking.

"Pfft!" Eleanor exclaim while laughing. "I've seen the guest list, it ain't small! They're having a big thing all the way out in Ireland, Lou said there was a lot of drama because of it."

"Yeah it is meant to be huge, I got plus one."

"You got plus one I didn't get invited?" Perrie scoffed.

"I don't think Darian exactly wants you there..." Eleanor replied taking a sip from her drink. Danielle nodded in agreement. "I mean, the ex-girlfriend at the wedding not a good idea..."

"I know, it's just...I know Zayn cheated on me but I still care about him, it's meant to be the happiest day of his life, wish I could be there..." She mumbled as she spun the straw around in her drink.

"You could be my plus one!" Danielle exclaimed with a grin.

" sure? I mean...they obviously don't want me there..."

"Yeah as long as your not planning to ruin the wedding or anything-"

"No! I'd never do that!"

"Then you can be my plus one!" Danielle said grinning. A smile was on Perrie lips as she sipped her drink again.

"I'm hungry..." Tellie whined speaking for the first time all day.

"Okay, We'll get you something soon." Eleanor replied putting a hand on Tellie's head. "Okay?"

"Okay..." She mumbled back with a small frown.

"So, Louis doing anything for his birthday?" Danielle asked as the group walked into 'Chanel'.

"Nothing big, he had a party last year but 'cause it was on Christmas Eve so Tellie wasn't exactly happy. So we're going out to dinner tonight."

"Ooh just you two?" Perrie winked.

"Me, him and Tellie." She replied with a laugh.

"Hey, is that Eidee chick still staying at his place?" Danielle asked as they walked through the store.

"Yeah..." Eleanor muttered as she took a sip of her coffee.

"And your okay with that?"


Danielle gave Perrie a worried look.

"It's not like he'd cheat on me or anything..."

"That's what I said about Zayn." Perrie sang looking through the racks of clothing.

"Louis wouldn't I'm sure." Eleanor said her voice filled with confidence.

"I'm just saying, I never thought Zayn would cheat on he's getting married in a couple of months." Perrie shrugged. Eleanor had a scared expression painted on her face.

"Louis wouldn't..."

"Perrie don't creep her out!" Danielle protested. "Louis isn't the kind of guy who'd do that."

Life's Highway {Sequel to Little Tomlinson}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang