Chapter Four-Playing Princesses-

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'Shit...' Eidee muttered.

'Talk now.' Darian hissed.

'I never said anything...' Eidee said mysteriously. She quickly backed away as Liam and Darian smirked. 'I'm jet lag and never said anything...' She continued backing away looking behind to make sure she didn't crash into anything.

'Eidee...I knew it!' Darian shouted happily.

'Zayn! Kill your wife to be!' Eidee shouted. Zayn and the rest of the group looked towards the trio. Eidee's face bright red and backing away, Darian and Liam smirking.

'Guys...' Chantelle muttered looking from Darian to Eidee. 'We should go...'

'Yes take me home!" Eidee shouted.

'Hey.' Louis replied happily. 'That's our album.'

'Oh lord shut up Louis you're annoying the shit out of me!''

'Just being nice.' Louis sassed.

'Well nice lost me my job turd!'

'UNICORN TURDS!' Chantelle laughed. Louis and Eidee just stared at her.

'You stopped my sassy come back for that?" Louis snapped.

'Hell yeah.' Chantelle replied smiling.

'Isn't she awesome?' Niall replied giving Chantelle a high five.

'Bring it bitches.' said Chantelle.

'Eidee! You come with me, Channi and Juli we've got dresses to try on.' Darian snapped.

'But Hazza just got back.' Juli whined.

'Yeah Hazza just got back.' Harry added.

Darian rolled her yes. 'Fine! We'll start shopping tomorrow, until then where can Eidee stay?'

'Where's Channi staying? Eidee snapped.

'With Niall, If I where you I wouldn't stay with them.'

Eidee shuddered at Darian's words but Darian just laughed.

'Darian and Zayn make a lot of noise... Channi and Niall probably watch movies and eat all night... Harry and Juli out of the question... Liam...' Eidee thought to herself.

'Louis has spare rooms at his house.' Eleanor suggested. Louis' eye's widened and he shook his head mouthing 'no' to her. El lightly hit his chest and laughed.

'You do Louis.' El replied laughing.

'No I don't.' He said quickly.

'Lou you do.' Harry smirked. Louis scowled at Harry and shook his head. Eidee glowered at Louis; she looked like she was about to slap him again.

'So Eidee can stay with Lou and we know nothing's happening there cause of Tellie.' Harry sang loudly.

'No...I wouldn't want to ruin Louis' life.' Eidee started. She stopped and thought about the sentence she'd just said. 'On second thought I'd love to ruin it.'

Louis' jaw dropped and Darian smirked at Liam. Eidee looked satisfied and Chantelle looked confused. Niall was whispering into Chantelle's ear and she was nodding furiously.

'I don't have any extra rooms.' Louis sniffed. Harry laughed and shook his head.

'Lou we know you do, I've slept in it before.'

'Harry your not helping.'

'So you guys are gay?' Eidee snapped. Louis and Harry both looked at Eidee and sighed.

Life's Highway {Sequel to Little Tomlinson}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora