Chapter 34

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A week. It had been a whole blasted week and Louis hasn't come clean to Eleanor. He wanted to tell her, he so badly wanted to tell her about what he and Eidee did-but he couldn't every time he called her he would begin to tell her, bit he couldn't. He couldn't bear to listen to the pain that surely would be in her voice. So instead he kept quiet, even though it was killing him inside out.

Even though he didn't tell Eleanor he'd seen Eidee a couple of times, somehow it seemed like torture to see her and the boys had no idea about what they'd done so Liam constantly asked Eidee to come to a concert and usually she said no, but to Louis' horror she'd finally said yes.

"...You're crazy!" Louis snapped as they walked off the stage.

"What's your problem with Eidee?" Liam asked blankly. "You used to be fine with her but ever since you guys got drunk together you've cringed at her name."

"We didn't have sex!" Louis snapped. Liam's eyes widened and he looked at Louis in confusion.

"Lou I didn't say anything about..." Liam stopped dead and looked at Louis. "You's had sex didn't you's!"

"I just said we didn't."

"Did you tell El?"

"Tell El what?" Louis asked, his eyes were wide and his face had turned slightly red, and Liam just looked at him in horror.

"That you cheated on her!" Liam exclaimed. "How could you cheat on her!"

"We where drunk! Look Liam please don't tell anyone-"

"You have to tell El." Liam said bluntly. "If you don't I will." and with that Liam stalked off, disgust on his face. Louis sighed and ran his fingers through his hair and stared at the ground.


Louis looked up and saw Eidee leaning against the wall leading into the dressing rooms.

"Hey..." He replied cooly. Eidee bit her lip and gazed around the hallway.

"Louis I heard what you and Liam where saying, I thought you'd have told Eleanor." Eidee said her Australian accent coming out. "You know I know you didn't want me to come to the concert, but you guys are actually pretty good."


"I'll just go now..."


The two stared at each other the only sound they could hear was their breathing.

"I spoke to El...and she did say something about you wanting me." Louis smirked. Eidee's cheeks burned red and she twisted her brown locks around her finger.


"I want you to."

Eidee's eyes widened in shock. "You what?"

"This is weird but, ever since I met you there's just something about you. And I feel like an idiot for telling you this because I'm with El and you've probably got a boyfriend or something-"

Louis was cut off by Eidee stepping forward and kissing him. She didn't even know why she was doing it, he'd just said he was with Eleanor why would she kiss him? To her surprise Louis kissed back, somehow Eidee thought it felt right, but her mind went back to much as Eidee disliked her she felt some kind of sorrow for her. Here she was, kissing her fiancé. But Eidee shook it off.

Eidee and Louis pulled away both breathing heavily.

"You cheated again." Was all Eidee could say before turning on her heals and walking away somehow forgetting to breath.




Killian felt a pain in his chest, he'd dreamed he'd walked straight up to Phoebe a gun in her hand and shot her. Somehow in the dream he didn't even feel guilty, he felt relieved. Which scared him even more. So when he went to see Phoebe that day, all that was running through his head was the picture of him shooting her.

"Hey Kill." Phoebe said in a slight groan.

"Hey Pheebes, I-"

"Uncle Kill!"

Killian grinned as Tellie skipped into the room and jumped at him.

"Hey Tellie, wow I haven't seen you in a while!" Killian exclaimed, he picked Tellie up and spun her around.

"Can you take me home?"

"What are you talking about? You're with mummy where else would you wanna be?"

Tellie looked at Phoebe and folded her arms. "She's not my mummy." She said bluntly.

"Tellie I told you not to say that." Phoebe scolded hurt all over her face.

"I don't have to listen to you." Tellie sassed.

"Well..." Killian muttered awkwardly. "Looks like you've got thos under control."

"What's that supposed to mean Killian?" Phoebe retorted.

"Oh come on Phoebe. You knew Tellie was never going to listen to you." Killian replied as he put Tellie on her feet. Tellie beamed in agreement, the six year old's arms still folded.

"Again, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Pheebes, not trying be rude here but, after this month you're not gonna see her unless Tomlinson lets you. And we both know that's never going to happen."

Phoebe narrowed her eyes. "You confuse me Killian, shouldn't you be praying that I get custody over her? If she's with Louis you'll never see her."

Killian shrugged. "I'd rather not see her and no that she's happy and being taken care of rather than knowing she's completely unhappy living with you."

Phoebe's eyes widened, taken back by Killian comment she just shook her head and kept her far straight.

"Killian, I-"

"Don't Phoebe, if your smart you'll deal with it." Killian said bluntly he looked at Phoebe, a small part of him whispering 'one bullet' .















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