Chapter 40-Horan One And Horan Two

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Time past quickly. Louis never went in to depth of what happened between him and Eleanor, and it was only now. Months later that both of them started dating again...with different people. Louis and Eidee went public after the tour ended. Which according to Chantelle-who had spoken to Eleanor more than anyone after her and Louis break up-annoyed the crap out of Eleanor, Chantelle told Louis she was seeing someone, but he refused to believe it, which only angered Eidee. Somehow Eidee had more hatred towards Eleanor now that her and Louis were together. It was obvious that Louis was still in love with Eleanor, and Eidee could tell.

"...I don't get it." Eidee said. "If stuff's happening why isn't the school doing stuff about it?"

Louis just sighed. "I don't know. Tellie won't talk about it. She's only in the first grade."

Eidee took a sip of her Starbucks ignoring the photos being taken of the pair. They were sitting in Starbucks Eidee dully talking about how apparently Tellie was being bullied. The subject annoyed Louis more than he cared to admit, and Eidee knew that but she still continued.

"But she's Tellie, why wouldn't she say something she talks about everything else." Eidee exclaimed.

"I guess she doesn't want to talk about it."

"Why don't you just ask her?"

"I asked her in June, she said what was happening and I don't know if it's still going on. If she want's to tell me she will, I'm not going to force her to talk about it" Louis snapped bluntly.

"Well I'm going to ask her." Eidee replied tartly.

"No you're not."

Louis got to his feet, annoyance all over his face. Eidee just looked at him in shock.

"Lou I get it if you don't want to ask her but I do." She explained.

"Eidee, she's not your child. You don't get a say in this. I'm going to pick Tellie up, I'll talk to you later."

Louis got up from his seat and walked out of Starbucks. Leaving Eidee taken aback. There was some paparazzi following Louis but he didn't care, he just walked straight to his car not even looking back at Eidee.

"...This is stupid." Chantelle snapped. "I was meant to not be pregnant today."

"Oh come on." Niall replied. "Today is your due date, you could go into labor at any second."

Chantelle sighed. "I'm kinda sick of being fat."

"Guys!" Eidee's voice echoed through from the front door. "I can hear you's flirting and I'd really appreciate it if you let me in."

Niall chuckled and got up from the lounge. "You're not fat."

"Niall, I'm pregnant you're aloud to call me fat right now."

"Okay maybe you're just a little bigger than usual, but you're pregnant, with two babies. It's expected."

"Yeah well, that's your fault." Chantelle called as Niall walked towards the front door.

"How is it my fault?"

"Your sperm your fault!"

"Hi Eidee." Niall said ignoring Chantelle's comment. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak to the fat pregnant lady." She replied sarcastically, edge on her voice.

"Oh so that's how you think of me is it?" Chantelle snapped as Eidee walked through the front door and into the living room.

"Niall can you give us some privacy?" Eidee asked sweetly. "Please."

"Sure, I'll go find some food..." He replied with a shrug.

"So, what do you wanna talk to the fat pregnant lady about who could give birth at any second because its her die date?" Chantelle asked.

"I know it's your due date and all, but you're the only person I could come to who's had experience in this kind of thing." Eidee replied as she sat on the lounge, her eyes were filled with worry, and her voice was edgy.

"Experience in what?"

"Channi...I think I'm pregnant."

To Louis' displeasure he hadn't LSD the paparazzi, but was somewhat glad they didn't follow him into the school, instead they waited outside camera's ready.

"Liam..." He said looking at Liam with confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh Destiny asked me if I could pick Corey up for he, she got called into work so I'm watching him for the afternoon." Liam replied with a nod.

"I thought he didn't like you?"

"I don't know, Des said he told her he changed his mind." Liam shrugged.

"Kids, change their minds every two seconds."

"So, did Niall tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"He's proposing to Chantelle." Liam said with a grin. Louis nodded.

"Yeah he told me, do you think she'll say yes though?" Louis questioned.

Liam shrugged. "She's having kids with him, they pretty much act like they're a married couple anyway. Although I think he's partly doing it because of those article that 'the mirror' wrote."

"Ugh I hate 'the mirror', what they write about Niall?" Louis scowled.

"Pretty much that he's a bad role model for getting Chantelle pregnant, said they should have been married before they had kids. Apparently it's gonna turn out fans into sluts." Liam replied with a shrug.

"But Chantelle getting pregnant was an accident."

"That's what Niall said."

Louis rolled his eyes as the school bell rang loudly.

"How are you and Eidee?" Liam asked.

Louis just shrugged. "We're good besides one thing..."

"What thing?"

"She keeps forgetting that Tellie is my kid, not hers."

"What do you mean?"

"I was with her before talking about Tellie, and I said I'm not going to make her talk about stuff if she doesn't want to, and Eidee pretty much said that's if I won't she will. Ands there's other stuff like that."

"You can't blame her." Liam said. "You let El make decisions about Tellie, Lou you still have El down as the person who gets Tellie if you die."


The conversion was cut off by Tellie walking towards them frowning, Corey behind her looking curiously around.

"Hey baby girl," Louis cooed. "Have a good day?"

Tellie shrugged.

"Where's my mum?" Corey asked looking at Liam dully.

"She had to go to work you're gonna stay with me tonight." Liam replied making Corey groan. "Do you have a problem with that?"

Corey didn't reply. He just looked at Tellie and started talking to her.

"Teej we've gotta go." Louis said, he looked from Tellie to Liam who was now on his phone.

"...Don't call Louis he's here with me. I have to bring Corey but I'll come. See ya soon." Liam put his phone in his pocket and looked at Louis. "Chantelle's in labour."

"Really?" Louis exclaimed.

"Yeah, Niall wants us all to come down to the hospital."

"Let's go then."

Zayn was enjoying the fact that he didn't have to do anything today. And I mean really enjoying it.

"That." Darian panted. "was. The best. Sex. Ever."

"Round two?" Zayn asked with a smirk.

"Just, let me catch my breath."

"I've been thinking." Zayn began.

"Zayn that's really dangerous." Darian replied sarcastically. Zayn laughed and looked at her.

"But seriously, I've been thinking...Do you maybe...wanna have kids...?"

Darian's eyes widened. "What?"

"It's just a thought, I mean if you don't want to I understand its just..."

"I...I've never thought about...having kids..."

"I get it if you don't want to."

"Wouldn't it be hard though? With your job? I've only started my work I don't think taking nine months off is a good idea-"

Darian was cut off by a vibrating sound echoing through the room.

"It's Niall." Zayn said as he looked at his phone.

"Take it." Darian replied.

Zayn grabbed his phone, the blanket falling and revealing his shirtless body as he sat up.

"Hey Ni-"

Zayn stayed silent. "Yeah We'll be there. See ya then." Zayn put his phone on the bedside table and got up from the bed.

"What's up?" Darian asked as Zayn pulled his boxers on.

"Chantelle's in labour, Niall wants us to come to the hospital." Zayn said as he grabbed Darian's shirt and threw it at her.

"She's finally having the babies!" Darian exclaimed. "Which one do you thinks ours?"

"What the fuck?"

"What? They said we were going to be ones god parents and Niall's brother and his wife are the others. Do you think we'll get Arizona or Jace?"

"We don't even know if it's a boy and a girl, they didn't want to find out, it could be Jace and Ethan, or Arizona and whatever the other girl name they had picked out."

Darian smirked. "You seriously think Chantelle wouldn't find out?"

Zayn's eyes widened. "If we get there quick enough we can bags Arizona."

"I wanted Hace."

"Arizona's a cooler name."

"...Are you fucking serious!" Harry shouted.

"Screw you!" Juli retorted. "You are such a BASTARD!"

"Whatever you say bitch!" Harry shouted as Juli stormed towards the bedroom. She stopped and turned back glaring at Harry.

"Did you just call me a bitch?" She shouted.

"You bet your ass I did!" Harry snapped.

"You have no idea how much I hate you right now Harold Edward Styles!"

"Not as much as I hate you!"

Juli stormed into the bedroom slamming the door shut behind her.

"What? Scared bitch!" Harry growled. "Can't even finish what you started?"

On the table Harry's phone vibrated.

"I'm not arguing while your acting like this!" Juli shouted tears in her voice.

"What Niall?" Harry hissed as he answered his phone. "Shit really? I'll be there in a minute bye."

Harry grabbed his keys and walked towards the front door.

"I'm going to the hospital! Chantelle's in labour, are you coming with me or not?" Harry shouted as he opened the door.

"No way! Tell Chantelle and Niall I'm sorry but I'm getting in a car with you you fucking douche bag! I hope you get on a car crash!"

"I love you to honey!"

Harry walked out the front door locking it behind him. Guilt slowly coming on his face.

"...It's gonna be okay babe." Niall said as he held Chantelle's hand. "It's gonna be okay."

"Are you the one who's about to push to babies out of your vagina?" Chantelle snapped.

"You're ready Chantelle." Dr Montgomery said as got to her feet. "You're ready."

"Marry me." Niall said bluntly as Dr Montgomery and the nurses started moving the hospital bed. "Marry me Chantelle."

Chantelle groaned in pain but looked at Niall.


"Hey guys." Harry said as he walked into the waiting room. "Is she...still in there?"

"Yeah," Zayn replied with a nod. "Where's Juli?"

"She's not feeling well." Harry lied. 'No actually we're having a fight and she wants me to get into a car accident.'

"Where's Liam?" Harry asked as he looked around. Zayn and Darian were sitting on a lounge, Louis next to them Tellie sitting in his lap. Eidee leaning against the wall looking slightly pale.

"Oh he's taking Corey back to Des, she got of work just before. He's coming straight back." Louis replied. Harry nodded and leaned against the wall beside Eidee.

"Long time no see Styles." Eidee said dully.

"Well, not all of us are blessed with your lovely presence." Harry replied, a taunt in his voice.

"Yes that's right," Eidee replied. "Not everyone deserves to be blessed with my 'lovely presence.'"

"Don't fight." Tellie muttered. "I don't like it when you's fight."

"Sorry." Harry and Eidee replied in union.

"So..." Louis started. "Do you think it'll be two boys, two girls or one of each?

"One of each." Zayn said. "But which do you think will be my and Darian's god child? Arizona or Jace?"

"Who said you's were godparents?" Harry snapped. "It could be me and Juli."

"I bet it's me." Louis muttered proudly.

"Oh didn't they tell you?" Zayn taunted. "One's mine and Darian's and the others Greg and Denise."

"Ha suckers!" Darian laughed.

"I don't believe you." Louis said bluntly. "I bet it's me."

"No it's us."

"Ha!" Harry scoffed.

"Hey." Liam said as he walked towards them. "Anything happen?"

"Darian and Zayn reckon their ones god parents." Louis replied. "When we all know I'm one of them."

"No guys." Liam laughed. "The god fathers me, i don't about the god mother but in know the god fathers me."

"I'm no Li." Harry seethed. "It's me."

"Guys it's me." Zayn countered.

"No, it's me." Louis snapped. Darian chuckled as the boys continued arguing.

"Well, we all know god mothers me." She said with a smirk.

"No, Darian. It's me." Eidee replied.

Soon all that was happening was arguing over who the god parents where.

"Guys lets just wait for Niall and Chantelle to tell us." Louis said finally. At that very moment Niall came into the waiting room grinning widely.

"We have Jace James Horan!" Niall shouted happily. "I've gotta a son! I've gotta son!"

"Congratulations!" Louis said. "Now who's godfather?"

"Greg is." Niall replied.

"Congrats on your son Niall," Darian said sweetly. "Now go back in there and bring us Arizona."

"Now." Harry added. Niall nodded and ran back the hall the grin not coming off his face. It wasn't that long after when Niall came back saying that the next baby was born, Arizona Darian Horan.

"Can we see them?" Darian asked.

"Yeah come on." Niall grinned. The group walked down the hallway and into the hospital room.

"They're so cute." Darian cooed as she saw the two babies in Chantelle's arms. "Which is which?"

"This is Arizona." Niall said as he took a baby from Chantelle's arm.

"And this is Jace." Chantelle said as she looked at the baby in her arms.

"Who's god parents?" Harry asked from the back of the room.

"Seriously." Eidee snapped. "That's all you can think about?"

"Zayn and Darian." Chantelle said still looking at Jace a grin on her face.

"Which one?" Zayn asked. He was standing with Darian closest to Chantelle's bed.

"Arizona." Niall replied.

"Can I hold her?" Zayn whispered.

"Yeah." Niall muttered, he handed Arizona to Zayn watching closely.

"Louis." Chantelle said looking up. "Do you wanna hold him?"

"Yeah sure." Louis replied completely shocked. He walked over to Chantelle and took Jace from her arms.

"If either of you guys drop any of my babies." Chantelle warned looking from Louis to Zayn. "I will make she none of you's have kids of your own-well in Louis case more kids but either way."

"Someone hand me a freaking baby." Darian exclaimed.

"Here." Zayn said handing Arizona to her. "That's our god child."

"Aww she has Niall's eyes." Darian cooed.

"Who's eyes does Jace have?" Liam who was now holding Jace asked.

"No idea." Chantelle replied her eyes going from Liam to Darian. "You guys know the same thing I said before applies to you to."

"I figured that." Liam said as he handed Jace to Harry. Louis was now holding Arizona and everyone was crowding around him or Harry.

"Hey Tellie." Chantelle said as she saw Tellie standing in the back of the room. "Come here sweetie. Someone give me one of my kids."

"No you just stole mine." Louis said as Tellie slowly walked over to Chantelle.

"Tomlinson give me Arizona."

Louis handed Arizona to Chantelle.

"Sit here Tellie." Chantelle said motioning for Tellie to sit on the bed. Tellie did so and Chantelle slowly out Arizona in her arms.

"This is your cousin." Chantelle said.

"She's cute." Tellie replied as she looked at Arizona.

"She is isn't she?"

"What's her name?"


After a while everyone left, Darian and Zayn being the last to leave.

"You know I thought about what you said before." Darian said leaning into Zayn's chest.

"Which thing?" Zayn replied.

"The thing about having kids. I think it's a good idea."

















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