Chapter 22-There Is A Very Good Explanation For This

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A month had smoothly passed and Zayn and Darian had returned from their honey moon in Rio and One Direction's tour had started, and now the American leg of the tour was starting in two days, meaning one thing- hectic, hectically described everything that had happened... 

"...Can you tell me again where Dr Montgomery is?" Chantelle asked bluntly. Chantelle and Niall had gone to the hospital for another ultrasound and Chantelle was disappointed to find out that Dr Montgomery wasn't there...

"She's on her honey moon, she'll be back in a couple of weeks." The young female doctor replied nervously. She'd already been nervous enough with the fact that this was Niall Horan's child she was ultrasounding, and Chantelle wasn't helping one bit.

Chantelle scowled. "Fine..."

"Well both heart beat's are fine, so I guess you can go now..." The doctor said her voice still nervous.

Niall's eyes filled with confusion as the doctor started packing up the ultrasound equipment.

"Um Dr. Stevens’? Both heart beats?" He asked. "Is that her's and the baby's?"

"No..." Dr Stevens' replied her voice as confused as Niall's.

"My baby has two hearts?" Chantelle exclaimed. "How-how does that work-It can't have two hearts-will-it-I...!"

"No, no." Dr Stevens' replied shock in her eyes. "No, the baby has one heart..." She trailed off. Dr Stevens' looked at Chantelle and Niall's confused and shocked expressions and gulped.

"Dr Montgomery didn't tell you guys it was twins did she...?"

Chantelle shook her head furiously. "No! It's twins? Twins as in two?"

"There's two fucking babies?" Niall exclaimed. "Sorry..."

"Yeah there's two of them, I'm sorry I thought Dr. Montgomery had told you guys that it was twins... I, I'm so sorry for just dropping that on you guys..."

"Well now you know she didn't...!" Chantelle snapped. "There's two...holy crap..."

"That's like twice the amount of work..." Niall muttered.

"Double trouble."

"Thing1 and Thing2."

"Horan1 and Horan2..."


“Are you sure there’s two?” Niall asked his eyes wide.

“One hundred percent.” Dr Stevens replied.

“We are doomed.” Chantelle mused, worry across her face.




"...It's twin-What are you guys doing?" Niall shouted as he walked into Louis' lounge room where the boys were already sitting with open cardboard boxes and random stuff laying around.

"Going through random stuff come, join us!" Louis replied happily.

"So how'd it go?" Zayn asked coolly as Niall sat on the ground.

"We found out it's twins."

Ooh's and Wow congratulations were now being thrown around the room as Niall grinned ear to ear.

"...You guys picked out names yet?" Liam asked. "You know last I heard you's were going with Katniss, no offence but don't do that to your kid."

"We're not naming it Katniss." Niall replied flatly. "And we have got names."

"What are they?" Louis replied quickly.

"Well I guess we need more names now, but we have Arizona Grace if it's a girl and Jace James if it's a boy."

"You're naming your daughter after a state in America?" Zayn said after silence had filled the room.

Niall shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah... It's not like we live in America."

"I like it." Louis said nodding. "But you have to name your son Texas to fit with the theme. Texas and Arizona Horan, I can see it now."

The boys laughed as Louis moved his hand across his face in thought.

"Think of it this way," Liam started. "You can't get worse than North West."

"Good point!"

There was light chuckling going through the room as they looked through boxes.

"Hey Lou...?" Harry muttered as he pulled a sheet of paper out from a box. "You didn't know about Tellie 'til they called to say Phoebe had died right?"

Louis looked shocked by the question but nevertheless nodded. "Yeah why?"

Niall and Liam looked over Harry's shoulder both of their eyes widening as they looked at the piece of paper in Harry's hands.

"Then how com your signature's on her birth certificate?" Liam asked blankly.

Louis' eyes widened in shock and he nervously bit his lip. "Um-I..."

"Give me that." Zayn snapped as he snatched the paper from Harry's hands, Zayn read the birth certificate his eyes widening the same as the others.

"Lou why is there all custody papers in here?" Harry snapped pulling more stuff from the box.

"And stuff about child support." Niall added. Zayn, Liam, Harry and Niall all looked to Louis who's face had turned pale, his eyes were filled with shock and fear but the worried expression he wore was the worst part of all.

Louis put his hand behind his neck nervously putting a fake smile on his face.

"There is a very good explanation for this..." He said as four four pairs of eyes burned into him like daggers...
















Life's Highway {Sequel to Little Tomlinson}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant