Chapter 41-Jace And Arizona

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"...How do you tell which is which?" Zayn asked, him the rest of the boys and Eidee were in Niall and Chantelle's flat staring at the twins-who somehow looked like the exact same baby-in their small side by side cribs, wondering which is which.

"Well that ones Jace." Chantelle said pointing to the baby on the left.

"No." Niall countered. "It's Arizona."

"Actually it's Jace."

"No, I remember I put Arizona in that one and you put Jace in the other."

"Niall, you were holding Jace, I had Arizona."

Niall shook his head. "I was holding Arizona I remember 'cause you were saying how cute J.J was."

"Aww you guys call him J.J." Louis cooed. "What do you guys call Arizona? A.D or A.Z?"

"Why would we call her A.Z?" Niall asked.

"Because that's what they call Arizona in America. The A.Z." Chantelle said bluntly her eyes narrowed.

"Where'd you even get your names from? Arizona and Jace, not exactly names you hear everywhere." Louis stated.

"Oh? and Cristell's what you hear everywhere." Niall shot back.

"Hey, I didn't get to name my kid."

"Actually you did." Liam mused under his breath.

"Arizona from Greys Anatomy and Jace from The Mortal Instruments." Chantelle replied her eyes now on the twins.

"Does pregnancy hurt?" Eidee asked, she'd been silent for most of the morning while everyone cooed over Arizona and Jace.

"Nah, giving birth, now that hurts."

"How badly does it hurt. Like is it a little pinch or being run over by the Titanic?"

"Eidee, you push a baby out if your vagina, it's the Titanic one."

Eidee gulped.

"I'm gonna go get a drink," Chantelle said. "Eidee would you come with me."




Chantelle walked out of the living room Eidee following her.

"Did you take a test?" Chantelle asked as she leaned against the counter.

"A test for what?" Eidee replied.

"A pregnancy test, you're not gonna know if you're pregnant unless you take a test."

"Yes I took one."


Eidee bit her finger nail and stared at the ground.

"I'm pregnant."

Tears where forming in Eidee's eyes as Chantelle stared vaguely.

"That's wonderful congratulations." Chantelle exclaimed.

"It's not wonderful." Eidee snapped wiping the tears from her eyes. "It's terrible. I'm going to go to the doctors make sure the test was right then I'm getting an abortion."

"An abortion...? You're going to kill your baby? What about the father-who is the father?"

"It's Louis who else would it be?" Eidee snapped. "I can't tell him. I just can't tell him."

"It's his baby to-you have to tell him."

"No I don't."

Chantelle pursed her lips. "Yeah, you kinda do. What do you think he's not gonna notice when you get fat and start vomiting every morning?"

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