Chapter 16-Cleverness

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The round table's were lined with silk and silver wear as well as pale blue roses in vases and wrapped around the crystal clear glasses, it was what most people would call the perfect wedding, the colours all matched but Phoebe herself found it dull and boring, maybe it was because the fifteen year old's dream wedding had been planned since she was six that made her gag, or maybe it was the sight of the person she despised walking straight towards her...

"Didn't think you'd be here." Phoebe said curtly as Louis sat on the chair across from here.

"My mum made me, wouldn't have come otherwise, it's really...boring." He replied with a shrug.

Phoebe toed her eyes. "And taunting me makes it worthwhile?"

Louis grinned evilly as Phoebe grabbed her coke from the table.

"That and seeing you in a dress." He replied with a smirk.

"Your evil Louis Tomlinson, pure evil."

"And you just dig the bad boys Pheebes." Louis teased. Phoebe narrowed her eyes as she brought her glass to her mouth.

"Shit!" She cursed as she dropped the glass to the ground, it crashed into pieces as soon as it touched the floor making Phoebe curse again.

"And that is why no one'll ever have kids with you." Louis replied sarcastically shaking his head.

"Shut up Tomlinson." She hissed getting up from her seat.

"Where're you going?"

"I'm not letting Wendy know I broke the glass, she'll kill me!"

"No segueing there." Louis replied getting up from his seat.

"Why are you following me?" Phoebe snapped as she walked out of the hall Louis behind her.

"Meh your fun to annoy."

"So you haven't had enough fun annoying me at school that you have to annoy me at my sister's wedding?"


Phoebe rolled her eyes as she sat down containing the grin that was trying to creep on her face.

"Oh god, Darian's coming." Phoebe muttered miserably.

"Hey Louis hey Phoebe." Darian sang.

"Hey." Louis said as he 'bro fisted' the thirteen year old.

"Can't you leave me alone for one minute?" Phoebe groaned.

"Whoa Pheebes," Louis started sarcasm in his voice. "You should be nice to your sister."

"I'll be nice to mine when your nice to yours." Louis closed his mouth as Darian rolled her eyes and walked off kicking a rock as she did so...if only she knew what she would be doing this exact same day in seven years...

"...I'm sorry jeez what else am I supposed to say?" Zayn snapped as he followed Darian down the staircase that night.

"Nothing Zayn." She hissed. "That's what your good at isn't it? Doing nothing!"

"Come on! Why does it fucking matter?"

"GUYS!" Louis' shouted from down stairs. "Shut up! Tellie finally went to sleep!"

"Okay Louis!" Darian shouted as she stopped at the bottom of the staircase and turned to Zayn. "I'm going to go to my bachelorette party and have fun and we can fight later."

Zayn ran his fingers through his hair as Darian stormed out the front door. Chantelle who was already standing by the front door shrugged and blew her party horn before walking out the door shutting it behind her.

"Zayn this is awkward." Niall said bursting from the living room.


"Well Darian's sister's husband named Dave is here and we don't know him...and he's trying to start conversations... Wanna help I'd out?"

"Oh...this is gonna be awkward..." Zayn muttered walking into the living room with Niall. Zayn had hardly spoken to his soon to be sister-in-law let alone her husband! But either way, as soon as Zayn sat down the awkwardness was there...

"So..." Dave began nervously. "You guys are in a band..."

"Yeah." Harry replied nodding. "We sell albums and go on tour, we sing..."

"You guys work a lot...?"

"Yeah, we also twerk, but Harry can tell you all about that can't ya Harry?" Zayn teased causing Niall, Louis and Liam to laugh.

"It was once!" Harry exclaimed his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. "It was Teen Choice awards what was I supposed to do?"

"Either way you did it." Niall replied with a smirk.

"Shut up turdy seven."

The boys laughed as Dave awkwardly sat not knowing what was so funny.

"Guys shut up for a sec." Louis said.

"Why?" Liam asked only to get shushed by Louis. As the group sat the only sound to be heard was small whimpers coming from upstairs.

"Not mine." Dave shrugged

"Ugh Tellie, I'll be back." Louis said as he got up from the lounge.

"So..." Liam said as Louis walked up the stairs. "Your wife's, finances and girlfriend are out at a bachelorette party, you lads concerned about strippers?"

"Pfft!" Harry exclaimed while laughing. "What strippers?"

"Well that's what girls have at bachelorette party's, they drink, dance and watch strippers." Liam shrugged. Everyone in the room narrowed they're eyes and glared at Liam.

"Li," Harry started. "None of us. Want to be thinking about out partners watching strippers."

"I was just saying-"

"I'm getting married in two days, thinking of my soon to be wife watching a stripper is not what I want to envision." Zayn snapped.

"Obviously..." Liam sighed as the room started slipping into silence.

"So Dave." Harry started. "You and Louis went to school together?"

"Um...kinda, he was four grades under me..." Dave muttered awkwardly.

"If you were four grades above Louis, how did you know him?"

"He was dating my wife's sister..."

"Oh yeah! I forget he dated your wife's crazy sister, sorry my bad."

Dave narrowed his eyes and curled his lip, but no one in the room noticed they didn't want to be spending the night like this... In translation they didn't like Dave...

"So do you guys um...wanna play a game or watch a movie?" Dave asked. "You know, um, scrabble?"

"What's taking Louis so long?" Niall asked with wide eyes looking around the room.

"Upstairs I think..." Zayn shrugged. At the words Niall, Harry and Liam's eyes lit up and they all scrambled from their seats.

"I'll go find him-"

"-He could need food-"

"-Maybe he fell out the window-"

The three shoved through the doorway and shoved each other out of the way as they ran up the staircase.

"Thank god we got out of there." Niall muttered as they walked down the hallway.

"That guys weird..." Liam replied with an eye roll.

"And old." Harry added.

"Louis what are you doing?" Niall asked walking into another living room where Louis was laying on one of three lounge's with Tellie.

"Escaping the awkwardness." Louis replied.

"Good we'll join you."

The other boys sat down on other seats sighing in relief.

"What are we watching?" Liam asked looking at the flat screen.

"Peter Pan, for the one thousandths millionth time." Louis said receiving a glare off Tellie. "So how'd you's "escape"?"

"Liam said you might've fallen out the window." Harry shrugged.

Louis looked to Liam who just shrugged. "Desperate times call for desperate measures."

"God I wish we had food." Niall muttered.

"Feel free to go join them down stairs." Harry replied in a singsong tone.

"I'm staying here." Niall answered quickly looking to the TV.

"Niall your phones ringing."

Niall pulled his phone from his pocket quickly sliding the screen and pressing it to his ear.

"Hey babe-"

Niall's eye widened and he laughed.

"Babe your just bleeding, I'll come get you if you want-you sure? Okay...see ya soon."

Niall put his phone back in his pocket and burst into laughter.

"What happened?" Liam asked.

"The girls are drunk...very drunk."




Chantelle groaned as she opened her eyes, her head was aching as she sat up in the bed.

"Niall?" She groaned loudly.

"Yeah?" He replied walking in from the ensuite.

"What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

Chantelle groaned again and laid back down shaking her head. "Nothing."

"Well pretty much you went to Darian's bachelorette party, got drunk, then you came back and we had sex."

"Oh... How drunk was I"

Niall laughed hysterically as he slipped his shirt on.

"Lets just say, you called me and said your arm was having a period."

Chantelle face palmed as Niall kissed her cheek before walking out of the room.

"Hey." Louis said as he walked down the stairs with Niall.

"Hey-d'you get Tellie to sleep last night?"

"Nope, everyone she did get to sleep she woke up and said she had a nightmare."

"Poor kid." Niall muttered as him and Louis walked into the kitchen where Zayn, Liam, Darian and Wendy were sitting.

""You guys still fighting? 'Cause-"

Louis was cut off by Zayn shushing him getting up from the table.

"She doesn't remember so don't remind her."

"Can't make any promises." Louis replied walking towards the table. "Fun bachelorette party Darian?"

Before Darian could answer her mother walked into the room.

"What's everyone standing around for? We've got a wedding happening tomorrow! Zayn you and your passy-"

"We're a band mam."

"Dear call me Jocelyn and go double check that your tux's fit, Wendy call the florist and make sure the flowers will be here on time-"

"Guys do what she says." Louis whispered to Niall and Zayn.

"Why?" Niall asked as Louis backed away.

"I've known that woman since the day I was born-she's scary as fuck..."

"Louis theres a baby in here watch your language!" Jocelyn snapped.

"Let's go." Zayn said pushing Louis out of the way and walking through the doorway.

"Save me." Darian mouthed as Jocelyn contiued giving instructions.

Louis and Niall shrugged before walking out the doorway.

"She's a scary woman." Niall muttered as him and Louis walked up the stairs.

"She's scarier when she finds out you had sex with her 17 year old daughter."




















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