Chapter 38-Chose Me

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Louis stared out at the city, he was standing on the balcony the New York air overcoming him. He thought desperately of what to do, he felt as guilty as hell for what he'd been doing, but he couldn't help but stumble on who he'd rather be with, Eleanor or Eidee.

"Hey..." Eidee said as she walked on to the balcony, she closed the screen door behind her and stood me to Louis putting her arms on the railing.

"Hey..." He muttered back.

"Liam said that you guys had a lot of concerts to catch up on, and that you's are staying in New York for another week."

"Yeah...we are."

"Look Louis, I understand if you want to stay with Eleanor, you guys are meant to be getting married in a couple of months..." Eidee trailed off and looked at Louis. "Chose me. Pick me. I'm not the kind of girl you'd usually see doing this, but I am doing this Louis, chose me. I hope that helps you make up your mind..."

By now Eidee had tears in her eyes, she gave Louis one last look before walking back into the hotel room. Louis was filled with shock, he didn't see that coming. He wished what Eidee said had made of a difference, but it hasn't. He was still stuck in the same situation , Eidee or Eleanor.

He hasn't even given a thought to why Eidee was still hanging around the hotel room, there wasn't a reason for her to to even be there, maybe Louis could give her a reason...

He walked towards the door and swiftly walked in the hotel room he searched the room looking for Eidee he didn't know why he was, but the minute he saw her sitting on the floor with Tellie, he walked over.

"Eidee can I talk to you?" Louis said bluntly.

"Yeah..." Eidee muttered, she got to her feet telling Tellie she'd be back soon and walked with Louis into one of the bedrooms hope filling her face.

"So what'd you wanna talk about?" Eidee mused.

"Well, you see our schedule's full," Louis began. "like really full, we have to make up for all the shows we had to change and all before we go to Florida and then it's gonna be hectic there as well."

Eidee looked at Louis with confusion. "Why are you telling me this...?"

"I'm not going to have the time to watch Tellie. I thought maybe-since she likes you so much-that you would consider coming with us on the rest of our tour. To watch Tellie for me you know...I was actually meant to go through a bunch of school work with her, but that never happened..."

Eidee bit her lip. "I...I-why don't you just get El to do it?"

"She's doing a lot of stuff for the wedding."

"Can't she do wedding stuff and watch Tellie at the same time?"

"Would you rather I asked her?" Louis sassed. "'Cause I can, if you'd rather I did."

"So, you're asking me to babysit, isn't that more of a teenage girl thing to do? 'cause you know I'm twenty two not fourteen." Eidee said with a wicked grin. Louis just rolled his eyes.

"Will you do it?" He asked fighting the urge to grin back. Eidee sat on the bed and looked at her painted black finger nails.

"Well, if I'm babysitting I'd like to get paid." She said sarcastically. "Twenty bucks a day and you've got yourself a deal Tomlinson."

This time Louis had the wicked grin on his face. "Deal."

"Oh and you have to tell your girlfriend" Eidee added as she got up and walked in circles around Louis, looking like a lion gazing on it's pray.

"Why would that be?" He asked his eyes following her as she came closer to him.

"Because," She said into his ear. "I'd rather not be on her bad side more than I already am. And besides if I was talking to her, I might let something slip out. And we both know how much you'd hate that."

Louis gazed at Eidee, he wanted to kiss her, kiss her like there was no tomorrow, but with his fiancé only steps away, kissing Eidee would be a very bad idea. Very bad indeed.

"Are you seeing someone?" Louid asked. Their lips were now inches apart.

"Besides you? No one." Eidee replied with a smirk.


"Why? Do you have a problem with being the only cheater in this relationship?"

It was the first time Louis had heard Eidee call them a 'relationship' after all, technically they where but hearing her say the words made him disgusted with himself. He was hurting Eleanor even though she didn't know it, he felt absolutely sick. What would his sisters say if they knew? What would his parents say? What about the fans? Louis thought for sure they'd be disgusted with him. Purely disgusted.

"You don't come across as the girl who'd be single." Louis mused making Eidee's face fall. "You have that thing about you that makes guys coming running."

"Louis, I just want to say. About before-even if you don't chose me, I want you to hurry up and chose who you want to be with. I don't like being this girl."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. "What girl?"

"The bitch that's fucking another girls man."

While Eidee and Louis had gone off in to the room, neither of them noticed that Eleanor and Liam had noticed. Eleanor got up from her seat and walked out on to the balcony frowning.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked walking in to balcony.

"Something happened between them didn't it?" Eleanor snapped. "He said nothing happened but something did, didn't it?"

Liam didn't need Eleanor to clarify who she was talking about, he knew automatically. Eidee and Louis.

"I can tell." Eleanor said finally.

"How?" Liam ask leaning against the railing, he was curious on what Eleanor had to say, but he knew what he was going to do. Tell her all he knew.

"I see the way he looks at her, he has feelings for her, I know because he looks at me the same way." Eleanor said quietly. "There's also that other he looks at her."

"What other way?"

"Like he's seem her naked."

"He looks at you like that two doesn't he?"

"Of course he does, he looked at Phoebe that way to." Eleanor replied bluntly. "Liam, if you know something-"

"They had sex." Liam cut in. "When they were drunk, he said he was going to tell you but I guess he didn't."

"Is that all...?" Eleanor mumbled tears forming in her eyes. Liam looked at his feet. "Liam."

He shook his head. "They've been having an affair all month, I told him if he didn't tell you I would, and Harry said that he was going to break it off with one of you guys. Maybe that's why he's talking to Eidee. El...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should've called you the minute I found its just-"

"It doesn't seem like Louis." Eleanor finished.

"I thought maybe it was because he was upset over the fact he lost Tellie and Eidee was there, I thought it wouldn't turn into something, he's probably breaking it off with Eidee right now."

Eleanor gazed out at the city, there were fans chanting loudly but none of them notices that Eleanor was crying.

"He doesn't need to." Was all Eleanor said before storming into the hotel room. She stormed past Zayn and straight into the room Louis and Eidee had gone into.

"The bitch that's fucking another girls man." Eleanor heard Eidee say, Louis' eyes went straight to Eleanor, Eidee's gaze slowly following.

"So, this seems cozy." Eleanor snapped, Eidee automatically stepped away from Louis shock across her face. "Oh please continue, I didn't mean to interrupt."


"Don't 'El' me Louis Tomlinson." Eleanor hissed. "So you just thought you'd continue fucking her and I'd never find out?" She gave a nod in Eidee's direction.

Louis' face went pale. "Look Eleanor I am really sorry, I really-"

"Save your apologises." Eleanor snapped. "Don't tell me you didn't want to do it 'cause if you didn't want to then you wouldn't have done it!"


"Why? Why would you-"

"Maybe if you heard me out you'd know!" Louis's shouted. "Look I was drunk it didn't mean anything I swear."

"Hey!" Eidee snapped. "Didn't mean anything? Oh really?"


"Louis it's me or her." Eidee snapped her hands on her hips.

"No." Eleanor said tears sliding down her face. "It's not."

Eidee looked at Eleanor in confusion, while Louis shook his head while saying no.

"I want to say I'll never see you again." Eleanor said through tears. "But I can't do that to Tellie."

Eleanor left the room in tears, Eidee looked confused and Louis looked like he was about to shout out his lungs. Even Eidee could see the heartbreak that was painted over his face.


Eidee cut Louis off. "Louis don't." She said as she grabbed his hand stopping him from following her out of the room.

"All that she's gonna do is kick your ass."


"I've had experience."












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