Chapter 44-Alexander Jason

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Tension filled the room. Eidee didn't know if Louis looked mad, annoyed, happy or even confused on what she just said. She just knew she'd done the worst thing possible.

"You're what?" Louis asked.

"I'm nothing, I'm human I didn't say anything before, I said 'oh right I forgot you were there' then I just shut up." Eidee said her hands still on her mouth.

"You said you were pregnant." Louis said. "Are you pregnant?"

"I-I-I-I...just a little bit..."

"Aunty Eidee's having a baby!" Tellie shouted happily, neither Louis or Eidee noticed she'd slowly walked back into the room staying in the doorway.

"Tellie, I told you to go upstairs!" Louis shouted.


"Tellie go upstairs."

"I don't want to." Tellie snapped. "You always make me go upstairs when Aunty Eidee's here."

Louis narrowed his eyes. "Tellie, I said, go upstairs."

Tellie didn't move.

"Now." Louis added through grinded teeth. "I'll be up there in a minute."

Again Tellie stayed put, not moving a muscle.

"Cristell Jayde Tomlinson go upstairs."

This time Tellie did move, she quickly left the room her footsteps echoing into the room as she ran up the staircase.

"I already told you you didn't have to send her out of the room, the conversation is over." Eidee snapped walking out of the room Louis following after her.

"Were you going to tell me about the baby?" Louis exclaimed.

"No I wasn't. It doesn't matter anyway."

"Doesn't matter! What do you mean it doesn't matter!" Louis snapped, they were walking through a hallway were all of Louis' awards were sitting on shelfs, Eidee standing in the middle tears in her eyes.

"I'm getting an abortion, that's why I was at the hospital!"

"You're what!"

"I'm getting an abortion! A B O R T I O N abortion!"

Louis scoffed. "No you're not!"

"Yes I am!" Eidee shouted. She flung her hands out knocking the shelf of awards, making them fall to the ground. "Look, I don't want a kid. And I don't care if it makes me a bad person! I'm doing this baby a favour."

"How is that? Do you enjoy killing kids? Or is it only mine?"

Eidee had tears running down her face now. She tried to shout back, but she just chocked on her words.

"Please." She whispered through tears. "Don't ask me why, just trust me when I say this, getting an abortion is what's best for the baby."

"How can you say that?" Louis snapped. "What were you just going to never tell me? Not even let me have say?"

"You don't get a say! I'm getting an abortion, and nothing you say will change that."

"It's my kid to! I do get a say!"

"I get three quarters of the say and you get one, if I say abortion, it's abortion!"

"Why do you get three quarters and I get one!"

"One quarter for me! One for the baby! And one for the fact that I'll be the one who has to give birth, and you get one because your the father, you should be happy I'm letting you have a quarter...!"

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