Glenn only nodded before grabbing it and stuffing it into the handheld cart he had. I smiled once more before following him in, keeping close to the doorway since I was supposed to keep watch outside too. Glenn was the one who was supposed to check the back, but I wasn't going to just make him do all the work. 

I hopped over the cashier counter, bending down to rummage in the shelves behind it. I grabbed a few water bottles that weren't open and the can of corn that sat besides them before standing back up and placing them on the counter. I turned around, flashing the light to the glass cabinets behind me. I opened one, coughing slightly as dust flew out from it. 

I frowned as I was met with nothing but vodka and whiskey. What good would that do for anyone. But whatever. I grabbed one bottle, shutting the cabinet back and placing it on the counter for Glenn to put in the basket also. I'm sure a time will come when someone would want something to drink that wasn't water.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I waited for Glenn, wondering what was taking him so long. I peeked around the counter, finding the grocery baskets, and grabbing one. I tossed the items I grabbed into it before hopping back over the counter and making my way in the direction that Glenn went.

"Glenn?" I called out softly. I swallowed down the lump that was forming in my throat. "Glenn are you alright?" My hands were beginning to feel clammy. Why wasn't he answering? 

I yelped as I bumped into someone, the hand with my flashlight flying up to hit whoever it was. "It's me, it's me," Glenn whisper-yelled as he held up his arm to block my hit.

I let out a sigh of relief, lowering my hand so the flashlight left light on the ground around us. "Jesus, Glenn you almost gave me a heart attack," I grumbled.

He only let out a small laugh, nodding his head in the direction to leave. "Sorry, it's still dark in here so I wasn't quite sure if we were totally alone."

I nodded, understanding what he meant. It was dark in here even with the door wide open and our flashlights. I turned around, heading to the door, with him following. I walked out the door first, stopping a few steps before the car and turning around to look at Glenn.

"I didn't find much but a few water bottles, a can or corn, and a bottle of whiskey," I told him. I did feel a bit disappointed that I couldn't find more though. 

Glenn smiled, holding up the basket full of items he had. "We just hit the powdered formula jackpot," He reassured.

"Thank God."

"I also got beans, batteries, cocktail wieners, many mustards," He listed off as he rummaged through the items. "It's a straight shot back to the prison from here, probably make it in time for dinner."

I nodded, grabbing his basket and tossing the few items I had into as he grabbed the bolt cutters off the floor. I smiled, holding up the basket as I watched Glenn put away his weapons. "I'll be glad to get back home."

"And where is it you good people call home?"

I jumped as I spun around, my eyes widening as a man holding a gun came towards us. It didn't take me a second look to notice he had something else around his other arm with a sharp blade sticking out from it. I instantly dropped the basket, pulling my gun out from the back of my pants as Glenn did the same.

My aim stayed trained on the man, the gun feeling heavy in my hands as I held it up. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Most survivors we saw these days were not at all friendly and I didn't want to know what this man coming towards us was capable of. I didn't want to get hurt and I damn sure don't want to see Glenn hurt. It would tear me apart. 

Losing Hope *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now