Chapter 15

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Niall's POV:

There was another group meeting going on outside, but with Jay in it this time. This meeting was about Louis and Jay. They got into a fight, I'm not really sure how bad it was, because I wasn't paying attention because I was too hungry.

"What exactly happen Louis?" Liam asked.

"I told him if he hurt anyone in the group, then I would do the same to him. Then he pushed me down and went to kick me. So I stopped him and pushed him down. Obviously he was weak and got knocked out of breath from the one blow." Louis said.

"That's a lie! He's not telling the whole story!" Jay yelled getting up and pointing at him.

"Jay sit down, you'll get your turn." He said while Jay sat down. He then turned towards Louis. "Did you do anything else, Louis please tell us, we need to know the whole story to settle this."

"Yeah there is. He said he was going after Darian first." Louis said and Caitlyn and Darian gasped.

"What?!" Darian said looking scared. Louis took her I his arms. He tried to comfortable her but the rest of the group was uneasy and had already broken into an argument.

"Did you really say that? You douche bag!" Caitlyn yelled getting up. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards me. I stood behind her and pulled her against my chest.

"Don't touch her!" Caitlyn yelled.

"Calm down Princess." I pulled her back and held her hands in mine.

"I didn't say that!" Jay yelled. "He's a liar! He just doesn't want me to be here anymore! He came at me and I-"

"Let Louis finish please!" Liam announced annoyed.

"Thank you Liam." Louis started. "So I pushed him down, then I kicked him in his mangina."

"Mangina?! Who do you think you're talking to?! I have the biggest d-" Jay started.

"There's a ten year old here! Watch it come on!" I said covering Emily's ears.

"Don't tell me what to do blondie." Jay sassed.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I said releasing Emily and Caitlyn and stepping in front of them.

"EVERYONE NEEDS TO SIT DOWN!" Liam yelled standing on the top of an upside down bucket. Mumbles were spread across everyone as we all took our seats.

"This is madness!" Liam yelled. "Why can't we have a civilized meeting anymore with out someone getting into a fight! This is a survival against non humans. We can't go against each other. Because look around."

I looked around and saw Louis holding Darian firmly in his arms. Liam was still standing on the bucket, and Jay was sitting next to him cracking his knuckles. Caitlyn was cooling herself down next to me and Emily was playing with a flower she found.

"These people are all we have left. And we can't turn our backs on one another if we want to make it. We need to put aside our differences and learn to work with each other." Liam protested. Darian nodded and kissed Louis' cheek.

"Can we all just agree to try and get along?" Liam asked. He stepped down and held out him hand in the middle of our little circle.

Emily hopped up and put her hand on top of his. He smiled and said "that a girl." She smiled and laughed. She looked back at me hopefully.

"Come on Ni, he's right." Caitlyn said standing up. "If you're in, so am I." I thought or a moment. I mean we were the ones who decided to bring him in and give him a chance.

"Alright." I gave her a quick grin and got up. I put my hand on top of Emily's and Caitlyn put hers in top of mine. Darian's hand soon joined ours.

"Jay, Louis, please?" Emily asked. She removed herself from our circles and jumped on Louis' lap. She whispered something into his ear and he smiled getting up and taking her small hand into his.

"Of course." He promised her joining us. We all looked over at Jay and he rolled his eyes. "What do ya say? Put aside our differences for the group?" Louis grinned and I knew he was being sarcastic. Jay smirked back and pulled himself up.

"I guess." He put his hand on top of everyone's and we all looked around and Liam spoke up.

"This is out team and when Zayn, Harry, Alana and Sam get back we're going to be the best group anyone has ever seen? You got that?" We all chanted a quick 'yeah'. "I said you got that?" He yelled louder. We all yelled louder.

"That's what I'd like to hear more often." He grinned and pulled back. "So we've got a team?" We all smiled and nodded.

"Team Liam!" He chanted. We all laughed and shook our heads. "That's a great name! You guys don't like it? Fine, we'll have to make up something later." Liam said dismissing the meeting.

Harry's POV:

I sat in the passenger seat wishing I had my phone still. I really miss it. It was always there for me, through the ups and downs and twists and turns.

"Harry, you're thinking out loud, you know that right?" Alana giggled from the drivers seat.

"Actually I didn't and if you were listening, yes I miss my phone quite a lot." I said folding my arms.

"You're such a dork." She said.

"Takes one to know one." I sassed back.

"And I thought Louis was the sassy one." She laughed.

"I've learned from the best."

"I didn't say you were successfully sassy." She said looking at me.

"Agh! Did you just sass me?"

"Maybe I did. What are you going to do about it?" She giggled and stopped the bus, I could see we made it to the town.

"You wanna know what I'm gunna do?" I asked unbuckling.

"What are you gunna do?" She said laughing.


Alana's POV:

"I going to tickle you to death!" He jumped up and landed on top of me tickling me intensely.

"Harry!" I yelled laughing out of breath. "Har-Harold! St-stop it!" He stopped kissed my neck.

"Don't sass me ever again. That's Louis' and I's job." He explained. "Got it?" His warm breath made the hairs on my neck poke up. I nodded slightly. "Good." He mumbled pulling himself off of me.

"Wait." I said pulling him down onto me again.

"Yes?" He asked smirking.

"Kiss me."

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