Chapter 10

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Alana's POV:

"I'm opening the door on 3. When they come out, no bullets, use anything that doesn't make noise." Liam explained holding the door handle of my room.

He turned the door knob and slowly opened the door. The biters noticed and shuffled out. I swung at a tall one that got bit on the shoulder. Then a shorter one with long hair. We had soon had them all down.

"What do we do with them now?" Niall asked kicking one of them aside.

"Put them out back." Zayn suggested.

"Can we burn them?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." Liam replied.

"Alright. Lets get them out of here, they stink." Louis said holding his nose.

We pulled them out of the school and threw them in a big pile about 100 yards away. I built a good sized fire and Liam, Louis and Niall threw the bodies in. I couldn't watch, so I took Emily back to the school and decided to put her to bed since it was probably around 9:00 at night.

'I have died everyday waiting for you,

Darlin' don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years,

I'll love you for a thousand more.' I sung to her.

"Good night Alana." She whispered into her small couch cushon. I smiled and kissed her hair.

"Good night Em." I got up and walked to the door. I closed the door slowly and quietly.

"You are very good with her." I jumped from the sudden voice coming behind me. Harry.

"You scared the hell out of me." I said playfully punching his shoulder. He smiled and sat down against the wall and I joined him.

"Sorry. She really idolizes you." He complimented.

"Only because I took her in." I replied.

"No, Alana. Not just because of that. Because you treat her like your own, and you care so much about her. You're like a mother to her. You're an amazing person." He said putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer.

"Thank you Harry."


Caitlyn's POV:

"This is so weird. It's like we're just throwing people into a fire." Sam cringed.

"Because it is. These aren't people. These are far from people. These are cannibals." Liam said throwing the last body into the fire.

"They use to be people." I whispered.

"I'm going inside for dinner." Louis stated grabbing Darian's hand as they walked inside together. Liam, Sam, and Zayn followed.

"Hey there." Niall whispered slithering his hands around me waist from behind.

"Hi." I whispered back leaning my head on his. I closed my eyes and ran my hand through his hair.

"Follow me." He said taking my hand. He lead me behind the shed and there was a small purple blanket with a crescent, and a sandwich.

"It's not much, because we're running low. But I tried." Niall explained.

"It's beautiful Niall thank you." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

We sat down and he cut the sandwich and crescent in half and ate. He would occasionally crack a joke or flirt and I would laugh to make him feel better.

He was laying across the blanket and I was cuddled up next to him. He had his arm around my shoulder and my head was on his chest.

"I've finally met my princess." Niall whispered to me. I smiled and blushed. "I love you Caitlyn."

"I love you prince." I smiled and he turned to his side and moved his face closer to mine.

"May I?" He asked while he locked his lips. I nodded and bit my lip. He kissed me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pulled him close and kissed him hard. It was the absolute most perfect moment.


Sam's POV:

"Do you want to go look at the stars with me?" Zayn asked holding out his hand. I smiled and nodded. We walked up the stairs and onto the balcony.

"It's gorgeous out here. I haven't really stopped to smell the roses since the break out. It feels nice to just slow down and watch the view." I said looking at the twinkling stars.

"Wow. I didn't really look at it like that. There's just so much going on, it's kind of hard to. But I'm glad I get to spend this moment with you." Zayn turned to me as smiled cheekily.

"You're so cheeky Malik." I said laughing. He chuckled deeply and pulled my hand into his. He intertwined our fingers and I immediately felt my face go hot. Good thing it was dark.

"Sam, can I ask you something?" Zayn asked.

"Sure, what is it babe?"

"Did you really say yes because you wanted to or because you had to repeat it?" He asked putting one knee up and leaning towards me. I leaned towards him and kissed him. His soft lips moved in perfect sync with mine.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked pulling away. He nodded and leaned his head on my shoulder. I leaned my head against his and we just sat there in perfect happiness.


Darian's POV:

"We're not eating dinner." Louis growled in my ear. He started to run towards his room.

"We'll at least you're not eating." He whispered seductively into my ear opening the door. "Lets get into action Dare Bear."


Alana's POV:

"You know she idolizes you too Harry." I said as we walked towards the cafeteria.

"Not more than she does you. You saved her life." He said. I smiled to myself. I guess I did.

"I guess." He took my hand and interlaced our fingers for the first time. It felt so real. So perfect. I hadn't felt any other way about any guy I've ever been with. Just for him to look at me gave me the goose bumps. His large hands felt so protective over my small ones. And big hands was defenitely a turn on for me.

"This relationship is different than any other one over been in. It's special." Harry whispered. I smiled again to myself. He was such a lovely guy.

"What a coincidence." I started. "Because you are the most special person I've been with Harry. You're different then the others. You care more, and it's not just a childish relationship. It's real." I poured.

"I feel exactly the same way Alana." I turned to see him smiling down to his feet, which glued a smile to my face. His dimples were so deep I couldn't help but fan girl. His dark curls were held neatly inside his grey beanie. And don't even get me started in the two little curls that stick out on the sides.

I stopped and just wrapped my arms around his waist. He hovered his tall frame over my head and hugged me back. His hugs were so perfect. So was he.


*So I updated you wit every couple and next chapter there will be more action and it will be very long. I promise, and I always keep those;)

Anyways I have a question:

Is there anything I can improve on or stop doing to make my writing better or more interesting? You can be 100% honest.

Go answer it in comments and don't forget to vote.

Bye xx

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