Chapter 11

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Alana's POV:

"How did everyone sleep?" Louis beamed walking in the cafeteria hand in hand with Darian. We all replied with 'good's and 'okay's.

"Why are you so happy?" Liam asked finishing his small bacon bit.

"Reasons." Louis smiled towards Darian.

"Well, next time, take another room. And keep the noise level down." Niall complained. Louis stuck his tongue out at him and sat down next to me. I passed him and Darian their food.

"Sam and I are going to see if there is a town near by, I mean if we're in a school there's got to be a town somewhere." Zayn said stacking his plate.

"Harry and I will come with you." I said poking Harry in the ribs.

"Oh yeah, we'll come." He replied. He hadn't gotten a lot of sleep because he insisted on keeping watch.

"Thanks, we're leaving in 20." He exclaimed before leaving. Harry and I finished eating and got ready to go. Zayn got the gun, Sam got a smaller saw, Harry got the axe and I got a big knife we found in the kitchen.

We boarded the bus and Harry drove. I sat in the passenger seat and was there for an extra look out. Zayn and Sam were in the back preparing a plan.

"I hope we find a lot of food. We're running so low." Harry said.

"Yeah, what do we have left? 2 muffins, a half milk carton, 3 bacon strips, and a few bread slices that I saw. That's not enough to feed 10 people." I replied.

We small talked for a little while until the conversation faded and we sat in a comfortable silence. I started to sing 'A thousand years' really quietly to myself.

"I didn't know you could sing Alana." Harry stated breaking the silence.

"It's nothing compared to yours" I mumbled.

"Are you crazy?"

"No. Why?"

"You have a really nice pitch and tone. Here, you start singing and i'll join in after."

"No I can't. I have stage fright and I definitely can't sing I front of a super star like you."

"Please Alana. I'm not a super star I'm Harry." He insisted.


"Pleeeease." He begged sticking out his bottom lip.


'Heart beats fast,

Colors and promises.'

I finished the first part on my own and he joined in with me for the chorus.

'I have died everyday waiting for you,

Darlin' don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years,

I'll love you for a thousand more.'

He stopped and looked at me. "Alana, why didn't I meet you before all this happened?" He asked. My heart literally skipped a beat.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why did I have to meat you when we're in this 'game'. I wish I had met you a year or 2 before so I could have showed you the world with me, so you could have prevented me changing at all. I wish you could have met my family and friends." He said. I was almost crying this was so sweet. "I wish we could have been together when we weren't in danger. But then I thought maybe I would have never gotten to be with you if this never happened."

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