Chapter 42

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Louis' POV:

"Pee brake everyone!" I yell from the front of the bus. I hop off and walk towards the woods.

Someone rushes past me and pushes me over. "Hey watch it- Darian?" I stand back up and walk over to her. She's on the ground leaning up against a tree, pale faces.

"Woah, babe are you okay?" I ask kneeling down and putting my hand on her knee.

She leans her head on my shoulder and I can feel sweat smacking through my T-shirt from her head. "Just needed some fresh air, that's all." She smiles and closes her eyes.

"Dar, if there's anything wrong, please tell me. I'm here for you, always." I put my arm around her shoulder and kiss her cheek.

"I know, but nothing's wrong." I nod and stand up.

"C'mon, I'll take you back to the bus and we can cuddle up in the blankets and rest up, I'm not driving this shift." I tell her and she smiles and grabs my hands. I pull her up and wrap my hand around her waist.

"I'm sorry Louis." She whispers as I guide her to the bus.

"It's not your fault you're not feeling well babe." I say and lay her down in the blankets. "Stay with me?" She asks grabbing my arm.

"I'm just going to run to take a quick pee." I say and she nods turning over and drifting off to sleep. I hurry off the bus and do my business. I make sure everyone is back on our bus and then make my way to the back. Darian is still in bed, in the same position.


Harry's POV:

"Harry, babe, I don't feel well." I wake up to a soft shaking and the gentle voice of Alana. I open my eyes and turn to face her.

"What is it?"

"My stomach, it feels off, like I'm going to throw up." She says scrunching her eye brows. "Well let's get up and you can go to the bathroom." I say and we slide out of bed. I walk her to the bathroom and she hovers over the toilet waiting for something to come up. After something does come out, I pick her up and carry her to her bunk and close her curtain. I sit on the couch and lean my head back, closing my eyes thinking about what could he wrong.

"Is Alana alright?" I hear Lauren's voice ask. I don't bother to open my eyes, but just to ask, "why would you think something is wrong?"

"She threw up last night, and she's still in bed this morning." He says as I feel him sit next to me. "Well she just threw up now too." I run a hand threw my hair and open my eyes. "I don't know what to do. If she gets sick, we don't have medication, or a doctor, or anything."

"Don't worry Harry, we'll make sure nothing happens to her." Lauren smiles. "We've always got your back." I hug her and stand up. "Thank you, Lauren."

"C'mon it's my turn to drive. Take the passenger and we can talk." I nod in agreement and we walk to the front.


Alana's POV:

Light headed and short breathed, I lye there in my bunch thinking the worst. Maybe I just have the flu, I think to myself, or maybe I have a cold. All these thoughts joined in my mind avoiding the one thing I hoped most wasn't what was happening to me.

This world is a death zone already I can't possibly bring another person into it.



I will be updating weekly again hopefully, and the chapters will be getting more intense.

But! This book will still be coming to a close, with another one on the way, much like Alana😏

Bye. xx

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