Chapter 39

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Alana's POV:

"Harry, if I was the love of your life you would care more, and not tell me you never loved me." I choke out trying to hold back my tears.

"I didn't mean to!" He yells.

"Stop making excuses and own up to your mistakes."

"I am! I'm trying to tell you that I'm sorry and my anger took over me. I love you with everything I've got, why can't you understand that?"

"Because you told me you don't. I want to believe you, I really do. But I'm done. I've given you enough chances. With how you were before we met, I was hesitant in dating you, then Camila, now this? I can't keep forgiving you. I can't keep getting hurt. This ring," I hold up my hand and point to my finger. "It means nothing to you. It's just another way of taunting me. And pulling me further into your stupid, attractive love trap-"

I'm cut off by Harry grabbing my face and pulling me into a deep, passionate kiss. I don't hesitate to kiss back, and I feel him move his hands from my face, to right below my butt and lift me up.

I wrap my legs around his torso and he glides his tongue along my bottom lip pleading for entrance. I taunt him a little, until he somehow gets us up into my bunk and he slips his tongue into my mouth.

We make out until Harry takes it further and creeps his large, soft hands under my shirt and strokes my surprised skin. I let him continue until he starts to tug at my shirt and I pull away from his soft lips.

"Harry, no. Not here, not now. We're on a bus. I'm not going to lose my virginity on a tour bus." I say and he rolls off of me and lays besides me instead, then looks at me with his eye brows scrunches together.

"You're a virgin?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I ask feeling a little self conscious all of a sudden.

"Nothing, in fact I think it's great." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I don't know if I'm ready. I mean I love you, but I'm till only 18. What if I get pregnant? Or something goes wrong? And plus we're not properly equipped to care for or deliver a baby."

"Alana, stop worrying. If you're not ready, I understand. I'm not pressuring you into anything."

"I know, I know, I'm just over thinking again." I sigh and turn to my side, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close.

"Alana, I hope you know I love you. A lot more than you could ever imagine."

"I know Harry. I love you too."


Niall's POV:

I had to take the drivers turn since Liam wanted to work everything out with Alana, and Liam was eating, and the girls didn't want to drive. Caitlyn did want to accompany me though. We are talking about our favorite foods, and what makes them good.

"There's no way you can't like Taco Bell." I say shocked.

"I don't like Mexican food. It's one thing Lana and I share in common. We both hate it." She laughs and feeds me another cracker.

"How? Mexican food is life it's self."

"No, Pizza is life itself." She exclaims as I nod my head, agreeing.

"Tuchè." I fist bump her and she sits back.

"Have you ever thought about why this apocalypse broke out? Like how it started? And why no one knew about, or cured it before it spread?" She asks out of no where.

"Actually I was thinking about that earlier today. I ask myself the same questions, but then I stop and thank god that it did happen, because if it hadn't happened, we might not be together now."

Caitlyn's POV:

I smile to myself and close my eyes. "Have I ever mentioned how amazing you are?" I ask rhetorically.

"No you haven't, but you may begin." He leans over, still concentrating on the road and holding his hand to his ear at the same time. I shake my head, laughing and lean over kissing his smooth cheek.

"You're amazing Niall, and I'm lucky to be able to call you mine." I tell him. He looks at me with the biggest smile on the face. "And I love you so much."

He takes my hand into his and runs his free hand threw his messy blonde hair. "I love you more beautiful." He returns his focus on the road and I re close my eyes.

I listen to his little mumbling and cursing as he paves his way threw a small maze of broken down cars.

The unrealistic ness of dating Niall Horan kicks in and I simply smirk to myself. I'm dating the most flawless human being on this Earth.



Niall's POV:

"Liam! Liam we have a wee bit of a problem!" I yell releasing Caitlyn's hand and running to the back of the bus where Liam is.

"What is it Niall?" He asks standing up from the couch.

"The weather, it doesn't look too good. It's starting to snow, and it's getting hard to see." I say grabbing my jacket.

"Let me have a look." We walk to the front of the bus and he looks out the window. "Shit. Why didn't we think of this earlier?"

"Because we're dumb?" I ask. Liam looks back at me with a blank look.

"Niall I always knew you were blonde." He jokes and ruffles my hair.

"And I always knew.... I'll think of a comeback later, right now let's just focus on what to do." I say.

"Caitlyn is asleep?" He asks poking her cheek. I push his hand back and say, "no shit Sherlock, now let her sleep."

We leave the 'cockpit' and I go to the hall to get Camila, Lauren, Harry, and Alana. I get Camila and Lauren up immediately and when I find Alana's bunk, I have to drag them out until they hit the floor and wake up.

"We've called a meeting." I explain before they start to yell at me.

"Can't I just sleep and you can make the decisions?" Alana asks curling into a ball on the floor. "Nah." I pick her up and stand her up. I push her to the living room and Harry follows after her.

I walk into the living room and find a grumpy Caitlyn sitting on the corner of the couch. "I know it's a really inconvenient time right now, but we have something important to discuss." Liam says and I take a seat next on the floor in front of Caitlyn.

I pick up the walkie and explain to the other bus what's going on. I place the walkie on the center of the coffee table we pulled out and waited for Liam to start.


But please enjoy this horrible chapter:(

Thanks for reading(:

I'm starting question of the days. Okie


What did you think of the 'you & I' music video?

Bye. xx

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