Chapter 30

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Alana's POV:

I held my breath and bit my lip. I really wanted to go to Florida. It's going to be safer, no more worrying or being scared. It would be so much better there.

"We are going to be going to Florida." Harry says. I breath a sigh of relief and thank god.

"Everyone agreed on going to Florida. None of us voted on staying here." Louis says.

"And we are going to decide on something else." Harry says. "We decided we need a council, or someone who makes the major decisions for the group after votes like this. Like when we'll leave, who's going on what bus, who's driving, stuff like that."

"We were thinking of having it as Liam, Louis, Darian, Harry, and myself." I say looking around at the group. "Is anyone against our choices of people to be in the council?"

No one raises their hand.

"Okay, so the council will meet and make plans for what we're going to do. For now, the meeting is dismissed." Darian says as everyone gets up. 


"Thank you guys for making me a part of the council. I appreciate it." Liam says we sit down in the room that looks like it use to be a teachers conference room.

"You know how to take control and know what to say and how to say it, so we had to pick you." Harry says taking the head seat at the large table. 

"Okay so, I was thinking, maybe we could spend the rest of today packing and preparing then leave later tomorrow or early the next day." Darian says.

"That could work." Harry says writing it down. "Does anyone have any other ideas?" 

"Maybe not rush it and leave in a few days, so we can train the others to fight, and make sure we're prepared for a long trip." I say.

"That's true, I'm sure Camila and Tommy and Lilly can't or don't know how to fight. They'll need to learn before we go on the trip in case we run into a big heard of the creatures." Harry says.

"Does anyone know how this started or anything about the sick people?" Louis asks. I shoot Liam a look and try to get him to tell them what he knows. He shakes his head and I nod. I mouth please and he rolls his eyes.

"I do." He says quietly.

"Really?" Harry asks. "What do you know?" 

"I don't know how it started, but I do know how you can get it." He says.

"Tell us what you do know." Darian says.

"Its a disease. If the sick people, as we call 'walkers' bite or even scratch you, the disease is in you, but if they bite you in an arm or leg, you can cut off the limb and the disease won't spread. If you get bit on the neck or stomach, you can't e saved." He says. I raise my eyebrows and mouth 'keep going'.

"Now there's an air born disease also, if you breath in the infested air, you can get the disease. It starts off as a cough, then you develop a fever. You start to get weaker and weaker. Then you eventually die. Well you don't die, you come back..." He stops and I see that the other members of the council have there mouths covered or a shocked face.

"Is the disease in our air here, at the school?" Darian asks.

"I'm not sure, but we need to take precautions. Like staying inside as often if we can, and covering our mouths with face masks or something. We can't risk getting the disease." Liam says.

"When we got crutches for Sam, we found a first aid kit and there were about enough medical masks for most of our group." I say.

"That would help a lot." Liams replies.

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