Chapter 26

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Harry's POV:

I laid Alana onto the nurses office couch and pulled the blanket over her. She had fallen asleep in my arms when we were all on the floor.

I kiss her cheek and leave the room closing the door behind me.

"Is she okay?" Tommy(the little bit from the other group) asks.

"Yeah." I knelt down and put my hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes when you loose someone important and close to you, you don't believe it and make up an excuse for why they died. It's her way of grieving."

"What's grieving?" He asks cocking his head.

"It's being sad or mad about loosing someone. Like if csomeone you love were to die, you'd be sad and cry right?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I never cry. Because real men don't cry." He says showing off his 'guns'.

"Oh yeah. Well girls grieve and cry. And people do it in different ways. She just made up an excuse as to why Em is okay. And it got to her head. But she's okay now." I explain and pat his head.

"Who's Em?"

"She was a little girl your age, who was in our group and she didn't make it." I say sadly.

"Well then I'm glad I didn't know her so I didn't have to be sad!" He says and smiles. He runs out of the building and I see Camila walk up to me.

"How are you?" She asks.

"I'm good why?"

"No, I mean are you okay? You know, what just happened and all."

"Oh yeah, well I guess I'm okay. As long as she is."

"Good. If you ever need anything Harry, I'm here for you." She smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks Mila." I smile and she walks away.

I walk behind her and back out to where everyone was sitting on the logs we had set up one night when we first got here.

"Can you introduce us to everyone in your group?" Jess(the older women from the other group) asks.

"Sure." I stand on one of the logs and get everyone's attention.

"Obviously, we have brought back a few people. Most of you guys have never seen each other before, so I'm going to go around the circle introducing all of you." I point to Mila.

"This is Camila." She smiles and waves. Caitlyn starts to freak out and speaks out.


"I love you Camila, I've been a huge fan of you since X factor." I say and she hugs me.

"I'm glad to be able to meet you." She smiles and sits back down.

"That's Lauren and Liam." I get a hug from Lauren and I anxiously wait to meet the other members of Fifth Harmony.

"Jess." He says and points to a women who looks about 30 and weighs about 200 pounds. I smile and she turns her head.

"Caitlyn and Niall." I smile and wave at everyone around us. Some girl starts running towards us and before I know it, Niall is being tackled by some random teenage girl. I pull her off and keep her back whole Niall gets up.

"That's Lilly." Harry laughs. "She's a huge fan of one direction."

"Yeah so let me say hi to him, whore." She says and my jaw drops.

"What did you just call me?" I ask taking my hand down from holding her back.

"I called you a whore. Niall is mine so back off bitch." She shoves me and I trip backwards over a log. I quickly get up and kick her in the her gut knocking the wind out of her and she falls to the floor in the middle of our circle.

When the walkers comeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora