Chapter 33

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Sam's POV:

I see the huge sluggish creature slowly creep towards me. I cringe at the sight of its lower jaw just barely attached.

I don't have my crutches so I have to try to find a way to get away without getting hurt. I look around and spot Alana.

"Help me!" I yell as the thing gets closer. I kick his guy and slightly throw up in my mouth feeling how squishy it is.

Alana leaps over the table and swings her axe at the monster. She missed and he pushes her over. He sits on her stomach and I start scotching over attempting to help.

"Harry!" She yells getting his attention.

She kicks him off causing him to stumble backwards a little, but then turns to me. Fear fills my eyes and the walker hovers over me sinking his blood stained teeth in my neck.


Alana's POV:

My eyes fill with tears and my heart sinks. My chin start to tremble and I get up screaming.

"No!" I yell and get up running towards her. The walker falls to his knees and reveals a heart broken Zayn standing holding his gun. His Carmel eyes are filled with horror and sorrow.

"Zayn." I jog to him and catch his limp body. I set him down and turn to Sam. I cover my jaw dropped mouth with my trembling hand and sit on my feet by her dying body.

"Sam, I'm so sorry." I spit out. "I should've helped you. I should be bitten not you."

"N-no..... you've done g-good." She smiles slightly and struggles to keep her eyes open. "Thanks Lana f-for .. helping me survive a-and everything that y-you've ...... ever done for me...." She drifts off and her hand slumps and her eyes shut.

I bite my lip and begin to sob. I feel a hang on my shoulder and don't even care who it is. I feel hands wrap around my waist and pull me up. I kick and scream reaching for Sam, but whoever it was took me away.

"STOP! LET ME GO!" I yell punching whoever is was. I'm dropped onto a chair and recognize Harry's damp face in front of me.

I cry more and he puts his arms around me and pulls me into his lap. I whale into his shirt until I don't have anything left inside me to shed.

"Alana you couldn't do anything that walker was twice your size." He says just holding me.

"I could've tried harder."


Zayn's POV:

I manage to pick myself up and throw myself to the table. Sam's perfect lifeless body is laying on the table right before my eyes.

My beautiful girlfriend is now dead. The one that I loved is laying in front of me dead. Why?

Something amazing happens. Her head starts to move. She starts to sit up and look at me. I smile and pull her into my arms. I hear a growl and a set of teeth sink into my shoulder.

I pull away and look at my shoulder and it's oozing out blood. I frown and turn back to Sam. "Why did you do that?" I ask, but she didn't answer. She just keeps trying to bite me.

Realization hits me hard. What have I done?


Harry's POV:

After I slay the last walker and get Niall to lay down I walk into the bathroom to retrieve Caitlyn. I find her crawled up in a ball next to the toilet.

"C'mon Caity, it's time to get up." I say grabbing her arm and carefully lifting her up.

"I don't feel good. Oh my you're Harry Styles." She laughs and I put my arm under her armpit hoisting her up.

"Yeah I am. You know me." I respond walking her out of the bathroom.

I take her to Niall's room and lay her next to Niall and she falls asleep instantly.

I walk into the cafeteria and everyone is huddling over one table. I walk over and find Zayn on the floor next to Sam. They are both bit and have blood rushing out of their head.

I drop down next to Alana and I slump in her lap. She rubs my hair and we all have a moment of silence for Sam and Zayn


Alana's POV:

Harry finishes piling dirt on top of Sam's 'grave' and throws the shovel on the ground. We all stand around the two we lost and Camila speaks up.

"I didn't know Sam very well, but she seems- seemed like a great girl to be around. I wish she was here so I could get to know her better." She says wiping a tear away.

"And Zayn I wasn't close to either, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. It's a shame we have to lose people like the this and they have to die they way they do, but what I've come to realize is this is how the world works now and we have to learn to cope with it. But we will miss Sam and Zayn very much. I will always remember you two forever." Lauren preaches standing close in Liam's arms.

"Zayn was one of my best p-pal's, and t-to lose him... is hard on not only or the boys, but the whole group.... Him along with Sam are going to be missed greatly." Louis stutters.

"It was an honor to know him." Caitlyn sighs. She walks to the little wooden cross and places the wild flowers down. She bites her lip and walks back over to Niall, fresh tears falling down her cheeks.

"I love you bud." I whisper feeling my chest go weak and my heart ache knowing I just lost a brother.

This is such a short depressing chapter I'm so sorry;( but it will get a little happier next chapter.

Thanks for reading!

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Bye. xx

When the walkers comeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora