Chapter 24

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Alana's POV:

"Alana?" Trenton walks up to me and holds onto my arm, because I begin to get a little dizzy.

"Are you okay?" He asks and slides his arm around my back holding me up.

"Yeah, I'm just surprised to see you after all these years." I manage to spit out.

"What's going on? You two know each other?" Harry asks getting a little antsy.

"Yeah, Alana was my first girlfriend about 2 years ago." Trenton responds.

"He was my first boyfriend." I stand up and shake his hand now fully aware of what's going on and out of my shock faze. I see Harry roll his eyes and walk back to the bus.

"Well, are we going to lolly gag around here or bring you all into our camp site?" Harry angrily says. His accent is literally killing my emotions right now.

"Harry's right, there are walkers out here now. We should get into the school." I say and head towards the bus.

"Can we talk later." Trenton pull grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"Sure." I give him a small smile and look down at my hand to signal him to let me go.

"Oh, sorry." He pulls me in and hugs me awkwardly like a little boy hugging a girl for the first time and pulls away. He waves and heads back to his bus.

"That kid." I laugh to myself and step onto the bus.

"Trenton?" I'm greeted by Harry and I step backwards. Unfortunately, there was nothing there for me to step on, so I tumble backwards off the bus.

"Ow." I groan standing back up. Harry takes his hand and holds it out for me offering to help me onto the bus. I give him a half smile and take his hand. "Thanks."

"Alana, can we please talk?" He asks as we stand in the doorway of the bus.

"Go ahead I'm listening." I say crossing my arms.

"In private." He says and nods his head toward Zayn and Sam.

"Come with me." I say and I take his hand leading him to the passenger seat. I sit down in the drivers seat and put the keys into ignition.

"Do you remember when I told you that I liked Camila still when she came back?" He asked. I felt my lip start to tremble a little and I nodded. "Well, the thing is I don't really like you anymore."

My jaw drops and I feel tears flood my eyes. "What?" I ask and my voice cracks. I get up and try to walk away, but I feel my arm being pulled back and my body is turned around.

"Wha-" I try to say, but my lips are unable to get any words out of my mouth, because Harry's lips were kissing mine.

I want to pull away, because I'm mad at him, but this just feels so right. My whole world stops and I forget about everything that's currently happening.

I feel him put his hand on my cheek and I was pulled back into reality. I push his face away and step away from him.

"What was that for? You just said you didn't like me?" I asked confused.

"You didn't let me finish again." He sighs and steps forward. "I was going to say I don't even love you."

"Wow." I say and my heart sinks and tears fall down my cheeks.

"I'm in love with you."


Camila's POV:

"You know her?" I asked Trenton as he sat on the couch in our bus.

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