Chapter 34

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Harry's POV:

I slam the door to the bus and walk to the drivers seat. Alana is sitting in the passengers seat. I sit down and run a hand through my thick curls.

I put the keys in the ignition and hear the engine roar. I look through the window to the other bus seeing Trenton give me a thumbs up.

I take a deep breath and back out. The bus cleanly makes it out the gates and down the drive way. I start along the road and watch the school quickly race by.

I watch the chains of the fence speed past the bus and feel my heart sink. The first time I took guard on fence was with Zayn.


"I bet you I can hit that really annoying high note." Zayn says holding out his hand.

"No way mate, you've finally hit puberty you can't hit it anymore." I joke shaking his hand.

He inhales a huge breath and screeches the note. I cover my ears and start to roll of the floor laughing. "And you thought I couldn't hit it." He smirks, proud of himself.

"No I just know a little girl can't even hit that. I'm surprised you can. Mr. I'm 20 years old." He punches my shoulder and I scream in a really high pitched scream.

"And I didn't think a 19 year old could scream like Niall's nephew." He says holding his stomach and cracking up.

"Tuche, but I gotchu next time." I smile and put my arm around his shoulder. "So how's Sam?" He smiles and looks down at the ground blushing.

"Amazing." He whispers shyly.

"Aw! Is Zayny boy in loove?" I taunt him ruffling my hand through his dark hair.

"Yeah I am, you got a problem with that? 'Stubborn'." He mimics.

I stick my tongue out at him and push him. He kicks my, well you know, my 'jerry' and I grab them falling to the floor in severe pain.

"Oops." He smiles and holds out his hand again. "Sorry kid."

I take his hand and he pulls me up. We walk down the fence messing with each other until he actually started a conversation.

"I've been thinking a lot lately about the apocalypse and the girls and all. I just realized how lucky we are to have such a great group and great girls with us." He explains.

"Yeah we got pretty lucky." I say and smile, thinking of Alana.

"And what if we had been separated, or we got stuck with a bunch of little girls or adults. Some people out there are probably all alone. I just think I'm one of the luckiest people alive to have my girlfriend, Alana, Darian, Caitlyn, Em, and my four brothers."

"Aw Zayn." I pull him into a bro hug, but he pushes me away.

"You don't have to get gushy." He says laughing.

"You started it." I smile.


I feel warm tears slide down my cheek and take the sleeve of my sweater to wipe them away.

"It's okay to cry Har." Alana says taking me hand. I pull away and put it on the steering wheel. I hear her sigh and unbuckle her seat belt.

"If you need to talk I'm here, just call me." She says and kisses my cheek.


Alana's POV:

I knew he needed his space so I'm going to give it to him. I walk out and sit next to Camila on the couch. She's watching sponge bob. Classic Camila.

When the walkers comeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant