30 -- Snoring and the Queen of France

Start from the beginning

I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t. It always made me feel bad. Although when she did wear that one bikini—No! I shook my head clearing the thoughts. Damn. Why did she have to be so amazing? I’m supposed to be the tough soccer, football player, but at the mention of her name I want to melt. I am so whipped.

It’s a good thing the other guys didn’t know. Garrett, Trevor, Ryan, Logan, Noah and Ashton wouldn’t call me whipped because they’re too busy making sure we aren’t making out, but the rest of the guys would kill me. I don’t even want to imagine what Ashley would do to Danni if she found out.

She already makes Danni’s life as miserable as possible, but if she knew Danni was my girlfriend. Danni would go through more than living hell. I had always wondered why Ashley made Danni so miserable. Then I remember something that Garrett said to me in sixth grade.

Ashley smirked as all the other girls laughed at Danni who had a sticky note on the back of her shirt that said ‘Don’t mess with me. I’m on my period.’ Danni knew it was there, but she left it there. She walked through the halls with a brave face and her head held high as if she was unfazed by them at all.

I looked over at Garrett who was observing her as I was. “Why does Ashley do that to her? And why does she sit there and take it?” I asked confused. I had been Danni’s friend for a long time, but Garrett always seemed to know the answers.

He sighed and shook his head. “Girls are weird. I don’t get them a lot of times. But I know why Ashley does that. She’s jealous.” I looked at him confused. “She’s jealous that Danni’s prettier, funnier, just all around better than her, so she tries to make her sad. Danni doesn’t want Ashley to have the satisfaction of that, so she keeps her head high.”

I looked at him like he’s an alien for knowing that. “Dude…” He shrugged. I stared at her. “Well she is pretty brave for doing that.” I found my eyes wondering, observing her up and down before I shook my head, realizing what I was doing. I looked over at Garrett. “Did you see the football game last night?” I asked changing subjects as quick as I could. Talking about Danni being picked on struck a nerve with me for some reason.

I smiled and looked down at her. She snored. I let out a laugh. That was my Danni. My perfect, beautiful, snoring Danni. I smiled and rested my head on hers as I fell asleep. This moment was too perfect. But then again all of the moments when I was with the girl I love were perfect.

                                                                  Danni’s POV

I yawned and opened my eyes. The sun blinded me. I put my hand up shading my face. Who left the curtains open?! I looked around and gulped. We weren’t inside. I looked up at Alex who was sleeping with his mouth hanging open and drool coming out. I touched the top of my head. “Gross! Alex you lard! You drooled all over me!” I yelled into his ear. He jumped back ten feet and then realized what I said. He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. “Sorry, Danni,” he chuckled. I took my shoe off and threw it at him. It him in the chest and he didn’t even flinch. He just kept laughing. I scowled. Damn him and his perfectly chiseled body. I lunged for him and sent us both hurtling backwards. We hit the floor and I spit all over his hair and rubbed it in, getting my payback.

I smiled triumphantly. “Now we’re even, you stupid drooling monkey!” We walk in where all the guys stared at us. When they saw us all of them dropped their jaws and ran over to me and pushed Alex away.

Noah glared at him with as much ferocity he did when he saw Alex walking out of my room in Fiji. “Where the hell have you two been and why do you look like that?!”

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