Chapter 5

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I watched Blue's expression as it rapidly changed from quizzical to horrified as the tree was brutally ripped apart by a dozen long and thin bone like projectiles with a ruby hue to them. Blue took a step away from the tree but more importantly, away from me. A wicked smile formed on my face as I tauntingly growled "Kid, you ain't seen nothing yet."

I snapped again and a dragon like skull with blood red eyes materialized out of thin, cold, air. A gaster blaster, if you want to get technical.

I glanced over at Blue and he didn't look frightened instead he seemed awestruck, and was cautiously taking steps toward the deadly gaster blaster. Why? I don't flipping know.

I could kill Blue right now... it's not like anyone will care...

I raised my hand to attack Blue, but decided against it. The way he was looking at my magic... I just couldn't find the will to end the kid's life. Instead I made the gaster blaster obliterate the few ruined bits if the tree that were left. While I put my hand back in my pocket the gaster blaster opened it's mouth and shot an intense streak of deadly light, destroying the ravaged tree and melting most of the snow around it.

"Wowie, Red! That was awesome!" Blue said excitedly, nearly bouncing up and down. I smiled awkwardly and responed "Uh... thanks, I guess..."

I was about to continue walking back home home when I remembered I can't leave a gaster blaster sitting there, so I quickly snapped and the dragon like skull vanished into thin air. I started to walk away at a brisk pace with Blue right beside me. After a few minutes Blue started asking question like 'What's your favorite color' or 'How old are you'. He kept on asking the useless questions for five minutes.

I'm about to break every freaking bone in his body if he doesn't shut the hell up.

To make make Blue shut up I zipped my coat all the way up and pulled my hood down as far as it could go then yelled "Red isn't here. Red is in hoodsiville!"

Blue tried to ask a few more questions but everytime he would talk I would again shout 'Red is in hoodiville.' which would make Blue giggle a little bit. After I yelled a few timea Blue gave up and stopped taking and we walked to the steps of my wooden house in peace and quiet.

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