The Hunted and The Hunter: Dean x Vampire!Reader

Start from the beginning

That wasn't completely the truth, yet, not a complete lie either.

Your plan was to head out and get some cow blood or something. Yeah, you were the type of vamp that stayed away from human blood and such, just didn't see a point in going after it. Especially when there were so many hunters out and about, even hunting just one species. Gordon. A horrible man. If anything, he just went after vampires and that was all. Didn't even give them a chance to explain themselves.

You may be a monster, but not in the sense that you were mindless when you got cravings, but in the sense that it hurt  when you got cravings. And most days you were stuck in the impala. Driving by all the cattle always made your stomach cramp.

You just brushed it off as having period pains. They never questioned you after that excuse.

"Don't worry too much about me," you said with a gentle smile. "I'll be fine."

Dean looked rather skeptical, but before he could say anything, Sam had exited the washroom and nodded towards the door. "Alright, just make sure to have a machete incase you run into one of those bloodsuckers."

You swallowed silently before nodding, before giving him a teasing salute. "You got it." Truth is, you weren't taking that damn thing anywhere.

Nor were you even going to touch the dead-man's blood.

It hadn't even been ten minutes after Sam and Dean had left the room, and knowing them, they'd be gone quite a while. All night if you were lucky.

Grabbing your machete, you quickly slid on a jacket and grabbed a clean change of clothes. If you got back from your little supper covered in blood, there would be questions. And that wasn't needed.

Instantly leaving the room, you shut the door and began your walk down the sidewalk. Your hearing easily picked up the sounds of hearts pounding and blood rushing through veins, and it was easy to tell that it was human, as you passed by a few on the way to the open field where you had seen the cattle from earlier.

You knew the bar they were in was a good two miles away, so you were fine. Lure the cattle somewhere a little more secluded, hide the machete and clothes and everything'll be fine.

Walking through the field, your mind began to wander. It always did, ever since you started working with the Winchesters six years ago. It really was a long time the more you thought about, the more uncomfortable you grew. How they hadn't noticed what you were yet, was unbelievable but most welcome.

Soon, the sounds of cattle filled your ear drums and your stomach growled angrily. It had been a while since you'd had anything to really fill it. Yeah, you ate at the diners and you drank when you did go to the bars, but, it usually wasn't enough.

But you lived.

Noticing that some had their own young, you set the machete down and made sure it was well hidden. As well as some of your clothes. Pushing up the sleeves to your shirt, you let your teeth finally come down.

It was such a pain trying to keep them up, and sometimes it was literally painful to do so. But again, you managed and now you got to let out your ravenous side. Which was always a big relief to you and your body. You didn't ask to be this way, but staying away from human, that was your own choice. And hunting, yeah, you preferred to go after those that didn't care for the human kind.

Before anything, you pounced on one of the bigger, fatter cows and began to chow down. And it was probably the best feeling you had had in a long time.

It hadn't taken long to finish it off, leaving the carcass and what you couldn't finish off and left it for the crows and ravens and such. Decomposition.

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