Questions and Answers!

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Who would you bring back from season 11?
Alright guys, I'm gonna be perfectly honest here. I haven't reached season 11 yet, I'm only in season 8 episode 11. So I still have a lot of catching up to do -_- I appreciate the question though!

What's your favourite season of Supernatural?
This is honestly a tough question for me to answer. I've loved so many of the seasons and now I've been asked to choose from the ones I have watched. As mentioned above ^^ in my pervious answer. But my favourite season, huh? I'm gonna have to say season 2, 3 or 6 but I think Sam's hair in season 7 is to die for. I'm gonna be honest. (I love all the seasons)

Who's hotter to you: Sam or Dean?
Oh crap, I had a feeling this question would come up. My friends have even asked me this as well (possibly because I rant about Supernatural almost every time I can). But they're both seriously attractive men. Shit, I don't know. I find how sweet and adorkable Sam is really attractive (I'm into kind guys), but he's also attractive as hell. And Dean, oh shit don't even get me started. Alright, I've decided. I'm more of a Sam's girl, but that doesn't mean I don't love Dean!

What's your favourite episode? Changing Channels or The French Mistake?
These questions are so challenging me, holy crap. I loved both of them >_< but my favourite? I'll have to say Changing Channels. I'm not saying I didn't like The French Mistake and how confused they were, I thought that was pretty funny, and they were in Canada! Hallelujah (I'm Canadian, for anyone wondering)! But when Sam was the impala, I couldn't help but pause the show and laugh at it. It was just too funny for me. Oh Gabriel, you crack me up... I want him back.

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
At the moment, I'm single but totally fine with that. As much as I want a cuddle buddy and someone to snuggle with, I can settle with watching Supernatural and making little fics about it.

Do you have any more song!fics planned?
I didn't think anyone truly liked them, but if you can offer up some more songs and such, that'd be great. As for right now, I don't think I have anymore completely planned.

Do you have any other stories in the making?
Yes, actually, I do. I have two. One of them is Supernatural related, the other is from my own imagination. Is inspired by the Maze Runner. It's called Bloodsport and should be up pretty soon, but I can't really pinpoint a certain date at the current moment.

Do you have any other shows you watch?
Yup. I tend to take my time and watch Merlin and a few others. I'm also extremely interested in Cop Shows, and one day I hope to be an author, Veterinarian or an RCMP officer. So, uh, yeah.

You still in high school?
Yeppers, only 16 guys, but I have big plans for my life ^^

What bands are you into? Singers?
I personally like GreenDay, Journey, a little bit of Metallica and Bon Jovi. I also tend to dabble in pop music such as Ed Sheeran, Eleven Past One, One Direction (Drag Me Down <3 my favourite of theirs by far), Anthem Lights and Andy Grammar. I also like Skillet.

Do you have a favourite OC?
I actually can't choose a favourite, I love all of them <3

What's your real name?
People have always told me "never say your real name online" but they never said anything about giving out your first name, so heres a more formal introduction. I'm Mercedes. Hello. Nice to meet you all, feel free to call me Middy. I have no problems with that.

Do you have a favourite genre to write in?
Honestly, I prefer to stay more into the darker side of writing with most of my stories. But in interest such as this book, I stay more into the light, fluffy moments with the boys. Because let's be honest, we don't get much of it with them anymore. I also love to write action, adventure and fantasy with a hint of adorable romance. I'm a sucker for it.

Favourite thing to do in spare time other than write?
I love to read. I love, love, love it! I could sit in my room for days with tea and chocolate with soft music playing in the background, reading. Oh, that would make my day.

If you don't have a boyfriend, what do you look for in one?
This is getting real personal now, but that's alright. I would like my boyfriend to witty and funny, but also romantic, easygoing and a sweet. It doesn't matter so much in looks for me, as long as he isn't a jerk and would only use me. I also want him to be protective and caring. I also have more guy friends than I do girl friends, so, I want him to be able to trust me around them. Even be friends!

Do you have a "squad" as some people say?
I do, actually. We always go and sit outside by this one certain tree and relax there cracking dumbass jokes and being dorks. There are actually more guys in my group than there are girls, but whatever. Live life to the fullest right? And they're great guys, so, have no fears ^_^

If you could be any supernatural creature in the show, what would it be?
I have no idea -_- let's be honest. But if I had to choose, I'd want to go with a siren. They may be freaking creepy as hell, but I've always thought the idea of being able to lure men (or women) into your trap is really intriguing. But, I'd actually want to be a hunter if I had the choice, cause, I don't want to be hunted down by the Winchesters. They're hella lethal.

Do you ship Wincest?
Ah, no. I don't. I find that Wincest is a really strange thing to ship when you're fully aware that they're brothers, but hey, not going to lie, if they weren't brothers in the show, but were like friends or something. I'd ship that. But since they're brothers, no. But I have stumbled across some Wincest fanfic and my curiosity got the best of me, and it was sweet. Until it got smutty. Then I pretty much said "hell nah" and went back to Sabriel and Destiel stories.

Thanks for all the questions guys! And I hope that there will be more coming in because I had so much fun answering all these! Yay!

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