"Those." I pointed to a pair of plugs that were the next size up but weren't too big. They were blue and pink and were cheetah print. I like the aqua blue color and how small they were, they would fit perfectly in my ears with how many times I have my ears pierced.

 I have both sides of my ears pierced all over. From Industrials to tragus piercings but my favorite one I have is the orbital that was the last one I got. My lobes were pierced four times but the bottom one was the one I was stretching a bit. Chelsea got the attention of  the man standing behind the counter. He rose from his seat and came over towards the case. She showed him which ones and he took the key, unlocked the case, and grabbed them.

"Chelsea, I don't have that much money left to get them." I whispered urgently to her. She shrugged her shoulders as she watched the guy lock the case back then bring the plugs over to the counter. She placed the rest of her clothes on the counter.

"I'm getting them for you." She smiled at me as the items were being rung up. When he was done he looked up at me and smiled.

"Your totally is $78.93."

I do have to admit that he was pretty cute with his tattoos up and down his arms but I was completely stuck on Wesley. I returned the smile as a nice gesture and watched as Chelsea swiped her card in the machine. It took it a minute to confirm the transaction so while it printed out the receipt he put our things into a bag.

I grabbed them from him as Chelsea got the receipt. 

"You two have a good day." His blue eyes met my green ones.

"You too." I gave him a smile as we walked out of the store.

Out of nowhere Chelsea starts laughing. "He was totally into you! You should go back and get his number." I shook my head. He probably was into me but I wasn't returning the favor. I still had this whole mess with Wesley to go home to.

"I'll pass got enough on my plate with Wesley right now." She shook her head incredulously at me. I rolled my eyes at her. I was not getting his number.

"Fine then let's go to the food court, I'm hungry." She grabbed my free hand and dragged me towards the smells of good food.. I laughed at her. I would walk with her if she would let go. I'm actually hungry to so food sounds good right about now.

When I pulled up in front of my house I waited for Chelsea to pull in behind me. She wanted to come to my house and stay for the night. I willingly agreed and since her dad hadn't made it home yet she was in the need of a little bit of cheering up. A few moments later I saw her car come to a stop behind me but it actually wasn't her car that had got my attention. In front of me was a sleek, black Audi. I know it wasn't my neighbor's, Mrs. Rush's, so it was kind of odd.

I shrugged it off as I grabbed my stuff out of the car and went up to my door.

"There's not much to it but this is my house." I told her as we walked up the walkway to the two story house. When we walked inside I called out "Mom I'm home." 

Immediately I could hear hushed words being said in the next room. I turned to Chelsea and told her I'd be right back. I knew that the car outside was mom's company now but who in the hell was it?

"Isabella, I thought you were staying over at your friends tonight." She mused as she came into the dining room, a flushed look to her skin. " I decided to come home but I brought her with me. I hope that's okay?" She nodded her head but I could see something else flicker in her eyes.

"I was going to wait to do this but since you're here I may as well let you meet someone. Jack, can you come in here please?" She called into the other room. I, swiftly, turned around and gave Chelsea a shrug. She was off to the side where the shoes were as she waited.

When I turned back around I was not expecting to see someone I recently knew.

"Isabella, this is your dad."

I dropped my bag on the floor as I shook my head in disbelief.  No there is no way that this man is my dad. I didn't know what emotion to feel right now as I looked from my mom to the man who is my dad.

"Chelsea, can you come here." I whispered horrified. She came around the corner and dead stopped in her tracks. I knew this was going to happen when I called her.


Okay Being Truthfully Honest Did Anyone See That Coming? Because I Actually Hadn't Planned It Until Sierra Gave Me The Idea When We Were Walking. There's A Lot More Drama From Both Sides Of Isabella's Life Coming. And They'll All Be Back Together Soon! (:

Stay Beautiful Babes


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