Part 34

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"Why didn't you just finish college, though? Then go into music afterwards?" I asked, sipping the broth from my soup cup.

"Because I knew it was what I wanted to do. " he smiled and set his empty cup down.

"It wasn't a spur of the moment kind of thing?"

"No, I've always loved music. I was sure that, if each of us do have a purpose on earth, that was mine."

"You seem to be better at making decisions and choices than me. One moment I think I've figured everything out and then an hour later I'm freaking the fuck out again." 

"Well... My thoughts on bigger things are kind of like that. More serious topics, definitely. I go back and forth a lot. Are you almost done your soup?" 

"Yeah. One sec." I finished my cup and he took them both out to the kitchen. When he returned he pulled out two controllers from the TV set and tossed one to me. 

"Want to play some video games?" 

"Sure." I guess we're done talking. I picked up the controller as he sifted through video games. The only two person game he had was a sports game so we settled on some pre-downloaded games. He walked over and nudged me. 

"Scoot forward." he said and then sat behind me, positioning his legs on either side of me. They were long and skinny and he rested his feet on the edge of the coffee table. Oh god I loved his legs. Why? I had no fucking clue. Just-goddamn. His arms reached around me and his chin rested on my shoulder. He dropped a small kiss on my cheek, then my neck and shoulder. My skin comes alive with goosebumps. He grins into my hair then begins clicking through our options. 

We played a video game- I couldn't recall the name- but it was probably something like Death Gun Murder Blood IIV.

It was a pixel game where you shot at mutant creatures and tried to survive. We were actually pretty good at it and we got to level five where a giant mutant crab with eight arms tried to kill us. We couldn't beat it and during our tenth or eleventh attempt at level five Ricky's character died and it was just mine firing ammunition and running. 

He set down his controller with a sigh. I continued playing the game. I felt his fingers on the underside of my thigh. They trailed up and up as my heart began to beat faster and faster. He gripped my upper thigh then and squeezed.  

"Are you okay?" he murmured into my ear. I only had two hearts left in the game and I was trying to focus. "Your heart's hammering."

"I'm okay, you're distracting me." My characters was struck once and I was taken down to one heart of health.              

"How so?" He squeezed my thigh again before inching his fingers farther up. His lips connected with my neck and began to kiss me from neck to shoulder. 

In the game, my character was destroyed and it reset back to the start screen. I clicked the settings button so the annoying music would stop then I set it down and turned my attention to my distraction.

I turned my head an he kissed my lips. I shifted and turned so I was facing him and we continued to make out.

After a few minutes he grabbed me by my hips and pulled me over and down so I fell back against the couch. He lay on top of me and I wrapped my legs around him. He took my bottom lip between his teeth and tugged it. I wrapped my arm around his neck before dropping my lips to his neck and sucking. He reached his hands down to his pants and started unbuckling his belt. He was just beginning to pull down his pants when I interjected. 

"Wait... Wait."


"It's just.... this is the first date. It's kinda early, right? And I don't want you to see me as a slut. Please don't be angry."

"...Yeah, I get where you're coming from." he sighed and dropped his face into the crook of my neck. "I understand."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"You're not mad?"



"And... look, I'm sorry this isn't a fancy restaurant. I wasn't expecting my car to break. I hadn't driven it in a while and there was a problem with the engine or something. I don't know, it was expensive, though.  I was seriously gonna take you somewhere really nice." he murmured into my neck. 

"It's okay. I mean, we're young. Both of us. And tour is expensive and... everything is expensive. I can't even keep a house so I definitely can't expect you to spend tons of money on things like this." I said and he pushed himself up so we were face to face. 

"Next time I'm going to take you to an expensive fancy restaurant and you're going to love it."

"No, no. You cant do that. No. Don't spend tons of money on me."

"The more you object to it, the more it makes me wanna do it." he said and I smiled. I was going to turn this around. 

"Okay then... spend all your money on me. All of it. I want a fucking gold statue of a cat with a scythe."

"...I'm not rich.."

"Ha! Reverse psychology, bitch!"

"... Okay but a cat with a scythe does sound pretty cool."

"I know, right? It would make an interesting tattoo." I laughed and we smiled, talking and kissing and laughing into the night. 

The Incredible League of Goth Pizza Haters (RH)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें