Part 35

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It was around one in the morning when we decided to retire to his bedroom. I'd been laying on top of him, platonically kissing his neck and talking about gay animals when I noticed him drifting off.  

"Hey." I murmured into his neck. "You awake?" He moaned in response and I shook him gently. "I'm sorry but I can't sleep on the couch." he opened his eyes.  

"Okay, come on." I got off and he led me back to his bedroom. "I cleaned in here too, in case... ya know." He slipped off his pants and unbuttoned his shirt, putting on a t-shirt and collapsing face first on the bed. 

"Can I have something to wear? Lace isn't comfortable to sleep in." 

"You have permission to go through my drawers - but not the top one! Stay out of there." he said, his voice muffled in the sheets.

"Now I'm curious."

"Don't even think about it." I smiled but listened and chose a soft black shirt with long sleeves and a few buttons down the front. I slipped off my dress and bra and slipped on the shirt then crawled into the other side of the bed. 

He got in the bed and spooned me, pulling me closer with one arm. He drifted off within a few minutes, his breathing was soft and rhythmic like his heart. I tried my best to fall asleep but stayed awake probably until two-thirty. I didn't want to move and disturb him. Finally I drifted off. 


I woke up to an empty bed.  I slipped out of the room, shivering in the cold morning. Ricky was in the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee. 

"Good morning. Would you like coffee?" 

"Nah, not yet. Too early." he turned to me and I smiled. He was all natural, sleepy eyes and major bedhead. Truly a fantastic sight. Definitely deserving of a photo. 

"Have you seen my phone?"

"No, did you bring it?" 

"It's still in my car!" I grab my keys from the coffee table then tiptoe through the crunchy frost tipped grass to my car. I unlock it and grab my phone from my coat pocket before locking my car again and running back inside.

I checked my phone, it was on 11% and I had twenty-two messages. 

I walked into the kitchen and snapped a picture of Ricky sipping coffee and looking utterly terrified of this sudden unannounced photography. I'd frozen my toes off for that. I laughed and then opened my messages. 

From my mom:

How's it going?


Text me when you can <3

How was it? 

Are you coming home tonight?

Via I'm worried call me.

Mena says you should be home soon but i don't think she knew what I was talking about

I'm having your sister call you. 

If you don't respond by tomorrow afternoon I'm calling the police

From Dani:

V mom is worried

can you call her back plz

whatre you doing


are you ded?

viva la via

From Nick:

can you call mom she's worried

hello ?

From Mena:

Yo your mom called 

I lied to her for you

where are you??

Are you okay?

Just let me know you're okay bro and that all is well

I replied to all of them saying 'yeah I'm alive and i'll be home soon' and stuff like that. I groaned at the thought of having to talk to mom about the lie I'd told. I'm technically an adult. I'm allowed to stay out late and she should trust me more. I did lie but it was to keep her from worrying. Sometimes I think she just likes finding things to stress about. 

I took some coffee and explained about my family. I kissed him once more before changing my clothes and leaving. 


Upon arriving, I was confronted by my mother. Considering it was before two, I was surprised she was awake. She told me I was an adult and that she was sorry for freaking out. That she trusted me and as long as I wasn't getting myself into trouble I didn't need to lie about what I was doing and who with. 

I felt bad after that, and told her I'd gone on a date with a boy. I added the 'with a boy' part because although I know she loves and accepts me, she prefers I date someone of the opposite gender. It's safer that way.

Her eyes lit up and she asked a few questions for which I provided vague answers. I told her he was nice and smart and wouldn't force me into anything. I told her he was a writer, like me, and played guitar. I left out that he was goth and played in a metal band. I also assured her that nothing sexual had happened and when she asked where I'd slept I lied and said I used the guest bedroom. 

I also told her Mena had only played along with my lie because she knew I was safe and I'd kept her updated, we just didn't want to worry her. I felt bad for telling my mother so many lies within the past two days but I didn't want her to be upset with one of my best friends.

Afterwards we sat on the couch and watched Face Off. Later that afternoon she told me Mena would be coming over to celebrate Thanksgiving with us in a few days. How weird, I'd forgotten what day it was. 

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