Part 7

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The 'Motionless In White tour bus experience turned out to be playing video games while consuming chicken wings, eating an abundance of junk food and drinking something called naked juice. Chris sat and took a half hour explaining to me how to play some sort of sports game.

"You wanna run to the left now-no no- the left!"

"This is the left!"

"No that's the boundary, you just hit the ref!"

"The fuck's a ref?!"

"Oh my god."

Finally we gave up and he put on Supermario cart and I slaughtered him, Ricky and Angelo.

"How the hell did you get this good?" Angelo asked. 

"I run a YouTube channel. Before Collide With The Sky took off I made most of my money making videos. Some of those were Let's Plays. I used to play a lot of video games."

"That's cool." Chris says, "How many followers?"

"I currently have a few thousand subscribers." I said, and bit my lip, "I need to upload more often." Chris exhaled loudly

"That's a lot of followers."

"I think they subscribed because my hair. It's weird and apparently people like to look at it."

"I'll admit I've always wanted to touch it."Chris said nonchalantly.

"We've been friends for years and this is the first I'm hearing of your creepy hair urges." I joked and he laughed. Ricky got up abruptly and walked away. I felt confused and alarmed. Did I do something? Then he returned with his phone and sat so close enough to me that our arms were touching. He fiddled with something then handed it over.

"I don't have a YouTube but I have a tumblr." He showed me the top of his page and I took his phone and scrolled down a bit. "Oh, no." he grabbed it and I made a face at him.

"You can't tell me about the page and not let me look at it."

"Read it on your own time."

"I will." We talked and played and joked for a while and then Chris turned on Netflix and they both explained Dexter to me. Then I talked to Balz for a while about his new girlfriend, a woman named Ryan Ashley who was a tattoo artist. He showed me pictures while blushing like a tomato. She was gorgeous and I was really happy for him. I remembered a 3am conversation with Balz where he said that love was stupid and relationships were stupid and blah blah boo hoo me I don't want a girlfriend. But now, judging by how awkwardly bubbly and red he was getting, I could tell that lil' bitch was falling for this girl big time.

Then for a while we just sat around and did nothing. Around seven we stopped at a gas station drive in and pulled our buses over to the side to stay the night. We would save money if we just slept in the buses, and neither of our bands had a ton of money to spare.

I spent a few dollars on a can of Pringles and a coke and we all sat outside on lawn chairs for a bit as the weather turned colder. I didn't do much talking because I was reading Ricky's writing.

After I had thoroughly read through his entire tumblr (accomplished in a whopping 2 hours) I sat quietly and thought of how to talk to him about it. His writing was amazing, I loved it. I wanted to hear more and I loved the depth. He was deep and incredibly intelligent and odd and that was attractive as fuck to me. 

Soon it was just Chris, Ricky and me and they both got up to leave. 

"Ricky, can you stay a little longer? I wanted to talk to you about your tumblr."

"Did you find all his porn?" Chris asked. I laughed and Ricky shoved him. After Chris vanished in the bus we got into a conversation about Ricky's writing that was mostly just me pointing out things on it from my phone and him leaning in close to look and somehow the conversation turned and we were talking about eating assholes. He seemed vaguely surprised that I'd never partaken in such activities. When I asked if he had he just said 'uh' for seven consecutive seconds. 

We laughed. He had a nice smile. 

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