Part 30

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Why did I wear a two piece? How could my brain have that thought and went 'Oh yeah, a two piece is a good idea. She's totally not insecure about her body. She's definitely gonna wear a two piece.'

Fuck you, brain.

"Via, are you getting in?" Ricky asked as he waded deeper into the water.

"Yes." After the fish incident I'd eaten half a burger and we'd all talked until the decision to enter the lake was made. Still standing on the shore with the bags and towels, I slipped off my shorts and felt myself shrink beneath the black sweater. It didn't help that he was staring.

Still wearing my sweater I walked down into the sand and tentatively entered the water. I pulled up my hair and tied it in the World's Shittiest Bun. I walked until the water was up to my knees then stood there awkwardly clutching my arms to my chest. My body was swarmed with goosebumps. I did not think this through.

"Are you going to take off your shirt?" TJ glided by in the water, pushing himself along with his hands.

"Shut up," I bounced around on my feet a bit, "I'm adjusting."

"No time for adjusting," Chris said from behind me as he grabbed and lifted me over his shoulder. I screeched and flailed as he spun me, "Remove the shirt and get in the water or I'll dunk you."

"Fuck you! Put me down and do not get my shirt wet or I'll cut off your balls and choke you with them!"  Wow, I'd forgotten there were kids here. He set me down and I stumbled back to the shore to remove my sweater. There's a three inch scar beneath my left rib cage from my college experience. It was finally beginning to fade. I crossed my arms over my chest, one hand over my scar, and hurried back to the water.


The water wasn't t too bad once you got used to it. After a few minutes of bouncing and shivering I adjusted and glided around a bit. I didn't want to get my hair wet because it was so long and knotted so easily.

We were in there for about two hours and though no warm colors yet filled the sky, the shadows of the trees grew longer and the people began to disperse. We'd bought three tube floats from the dollar store and I floated around in one, unable to touch ground. My knees were against my chest in the float as I spun in circles and was once again caught in the paralyzing beauty of this place.

Ricky floated up to me in one of the other floats.

"You're out pretty far."

"Not too far."

"What if a fish just came and attacked your foot? You'd have no time to swim to shore and you're too far away from anyone to get help."

"... That scenario seems kinda fishy."

"That was a lame pun."

"You're a lame pun."

"Ouch. Well I guess I'll leave you to be bitter and punny alone."

"No, wait."


"What if a fish did come up and attack my foot? You'd feel guilty you left me to my demise." I waited for his response which didn't seem to be coming, "Are you going to respond?"

"I'm trying to think of a pun."

"Well it's too late. Pun Time is over. You've missed it. Opportunity gone. Swing and miss."

"You're cruel and I'm leaving."

"Wait, no." I freed my legs and swam over to where I could touch his float and latched on. "Okay now you can go." He pulled me and my float closer to land. I still couldn't touch and brought my knees back up to my chest when my foot brushed some sort of water plant my brain identified as Satan's pubic hair.

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