Part 31

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"I fucking hate planes so much. Oh god." Chris cringed as the plane took off. Soon we were above the clouds and the pilot announced that we would be able to walk about to use the bathroom and stuff. I had no need to get up and Chris was a nervous wreck beside me so I stayed in my seat and read for about two hours. Soon my back hurt and I stood up to stretch. 

I saw Via a few isles up. She sighed, closed her laptop, leaned her head back, closing her eyes. She had beautiful facial structure, prominent cheekbones with gorgeous lips and long eyelashes. Her features were almost delicate. 

"Jesus Christ, go talk to her. It's creepy that you're just staring." Chris said.

"I'm not staring. I just looked over and-,"

"Yeah, yeah, perv. Just go. I don't need a babysitter." Chris motioned for me to leave. I walked down a few isles and slid into the seat next to her. She opened her eyes and blinked a bit. 

"Oh hey, it's one of my favorite goths." she put her laptop away and looked out the window at the cloudy sky. When she turned back to me I saw the fatigue on her face and felt guilty for chasing away her sleep. 

"Were you up late last night?" I asked and she shielded her face with a hand. 

"Is it that obvious?" 

"No, you just look tired. What were you up doing?" 

"Inspiration struck last night and I was up till three am trying to put it down on paper before it left my brain." she said and dropped her hand to her thigh. Wow, no wonder she was tired. We were at the airport by six. I remembered what I wanted to ask her at the lake but had never gotten around to. She closed her eyes and leaned her head lightly on my shoulder, which gave me the slight nudge I needed to ask her.  


"Pillows don't talk." she murmured. 

"Sylvia." she tensed and moved away from me, meeting my eyes. "I... I wanted to know if I could take you on a date sometime." I said and she raised her eyebrows and fixed me with a tired smile. 

"Really? An actual date? Like, not snuggling in a tour bus." 

"Yes, an actual date. Where you dress up and go to dinner and all that."

"Dress up? Like fancy? In dress clothes fancy?"

"Unless you don't wanna do that."

"No, no. I want to."

"...We could always snuggle after, though. If you'd like." I said .

"I would like that." she leaned her head back on my shoulder, a small smile playing on her lips. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah." I moved closer and rested my cheek on the top of her head. Her hair smelled like lavender. After a few minutes we adjusted, folding the arm of the chair up so we were closer. I noticed a man glaring at us across the isle. I pulled Via in closer, just to make a point. 

I closed my eyes and a few minutes later her heartbeat slowed and I could tell she'd fallen asleep. My back ached a bit and I wanted to ask her to move but I was her pillow and pillows don't talk. 


"Please buckle your seat belts as we make out landing in Pennsylvania." a voice called over the intercom. I blinked and yawned myself out of my daze and shook her gently. She angled her head up and looked around. I could tell she was still half asleep so I reached around her and buckled her in. She seemed to be shaken into reality as the plane shuddered and ran on the ground. 

I cast a glance back at Chris who gripped the arms of the chair with white knuckles. We made eye contact and he mouthed 'I'm okay.' 

Soon we were all stumbling into the airport. After retrieving our luggage we waited for our rides to arrive. I was going with Balz who would drop me off at my house on the way. 

After a little while a short girl with a few facial piercings and dyed red hair ran in and hugged Via full speed. They both crashed to the ground, drawing the attention of a few strangers. She stood up, pulling Via to her feet and hugged her again. 

"Finally! I thought you'd never come back to me!"

"It's been a few weeks, calm your tits." 

"My tits will never calm." she grabbed Via's suitcase while Via lifted her bag and they began to walk out. Via walked over and hugged an older lady, somewhere between forty or fifty, with light brown hair, light eyes and a white sweater. She had light blemishes on her pale skin and a sweet smile.

"Hey, mom." she said  

"Hey sweetheart. How was tour?..." her mom said in a light quiet voice

I tuned out of their conversation as it wasn't really any of my business and my back hurt and I was kinda tired. 

I tuned back in when I saw Via put down her bag and darted back over to me. She hugged me, tight and quick and murmured. "I look forward to our date."

When she pulled away I noticed her mother and the girl I assumed to be her sister staring.

"Oh yeah, you guys don't know each other." Via said quickly, "This is Ricky. He's the new member of Motionless In White. Ricky, this is my mom, Ivy, and my sister, Dani." 

"Hello, nice to meet you." I smiled and was greeted by smiles. I wanted to hug Via again but she gave me a small tired smile then grabbed her bag and walked out with her family.

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