Part 33

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It was around 9:40 at night when my cellphone began to blast the Gravity Falls theme song. I was laying outside on the trampoline with my eyes closed - napping (or practicing death, whatever you'd prefer to call it.) I answered.

"Hey, I wanted to know if you were free tomorrow night." 


"No it's Satan I'm calling about the loan you made on your soul."

"Oh, yeah sorry, Satan. I think I need it for another day or two. I'm suppose to go on a date with some goth dick head who still hasn't called."

"Oh he's actually here. Let me hand the phone over-," there was a breaking sound over the phone and then Ricky spoke in an over enthusiastic tone, "Who dare speaketh to me over cellular device while I'm in hell?!"

"You're a fucking dork and you called me over 'cellular device.'"

"Someone's salty today." he said and a gentle  breeze came and ran through my clothes, bringing with it the bitter bite of winter and snagging away any reply I could've murmured in this chilly weather. I inhaled then exhaled hot breathy wisps into the air. "Hey," he said in a soft voice, "You there?"


"Do you want to go out tomorrow?"


"Can I ask you a favor?"


"Can you drive? Just come to my house my car is broken."

"Yeah. What's your address?"

"I'll text it to you. Tomorrow night around 8?" he asked and I figured I should say something other than 'yeah' so I decided to switch it up a bit. 


"Good. Dress fancy."


"And Via?"


"Are you alright?"



"Where are you going tonight all fancy?" my mother asks from the couch. I decide to lie because my mom doesn't like me going out on dates and I don't want to worry her. 

"Out with Mena. We're going to a fancy dinner."

"Are you dating her?"

"No, I don't like her like that." 

"Oh... Okay. Do you have your phone?" she asks. My phone is tucked into my jacket pocket, I figured it would be easier and less cancerous than my boobs. 

"Yes." I turn to her and I see the dark bags under her eyes and the puffy face from crying. While I'd been out on tour she'd been home worrying and crying. I'd left her to worry and cry and grieve alone. Even now I leave her in her room to do just that. I give her a tight hug. 

And I leave her again.

I get in my car and pull away. I'm wearing a black dress with long lacy sleeves and a lacy trim on the bottom that falls just above my knees. I have a pea-coat on because it's November and the weather is cold. I can't really do high heels but it's a fucking date so I try anyway. It's not a huge heel and it's on a pair of ankle length black boots so you can't really see it. I was wearing knee high black stockings - not the sexual kind.  My hair is down and I'd showered that morning so it was wavy and smelled like a fucking flower. 

I felt kinda uncomfortable driving with heels on but I sucked it up and followed Siri's navigation directions. She's not the best GPS but she tries. My car is a small and silver and kind of a grandma car. It has a shiny older styled console and a soft leather seats and it kinda smells like perfume and cheese curls despite me not using it for weeks. It's a nice little car.

After a half hour of confusing turns I pull up in front of Ricky's house and grab my phone to text him. I don't even get to the messages app before he comes running out the house in a white button up shirt spattered with dry black paint and black skinny jeans. 

He stops at the window of my car and leans on it. 

"Okay, so, change of plans. Tonight you're going to taste my amazing cooking." 

"Okay...?" I turn off my car and get out, leaving my jacket since we're not going anywhere. I close and lock it and when I turn around I realize I'm the same height as him now.  "I wore heels."

"I can see."

"You should be flattered. I'm very bad at functioning properly in heels."

"Then I'm very flattered." he smiled and grabbed my wrist. "C'mon. I cleaned my house for this." The inside of his house is dark and quiet with mostly dark colors. It reminds me of my room. I was half expecting to smell something awesome from the kitchen but I didn't. I wondered if he hadn't started cooking yet. Ricky brought me to the living room and walking on carpet was harder than hardwood. I stumbled and tripped, smacking my knees against the floor and twisting my ankle weird. He helped me back up, grinning, and asked if I was okay. I winced and said I was and he gestured for me to sit on the couch. It was cushy and soft. He kneels down in front of me on the floor and says;

"I appreciate the heels, I really do. But I would prefer you be comfortable and you can't really be comfortable if you have a broken ankle." he taps the toe of my shoe with his index finger, "You can take these off if you want."

"Okay." I whisper as he gets up and walks over to what I assume is the kitchen. I remove the shoes and am left in the thin socks of the stockings. I hear the whirring of a microwave and then he comes back in holding a tabby cat. He sets him down on the couch and goes;

"This is Dexter. He'll keep you company while I prepare dinner." he rushes back into the kitchen, leaving me to adore Dexter. A few minutes later he comes back in holding two steaming Styrofoam cups of ramen noodles and sets them down on the coffee table. He shoos Dexter away and I laugh and he holds up his hands yelling; "Wait! Wait!" He darts back out and returns with a candle, which he lights and sets down by our food. I laugh louder as he informs me the candle is scented. "It's Meadow Breeze." he says

"Very classy, I'm so glad I dressed up for this." I say and he smiles wide. I stir my noodles and go, "Are we turning on the TV now, or..."

"No, are you kidding? This is a date! We're suppose to-," he gestures back and forth in the space between us, "Talk to each other."

"Okay. What do you want to talk about?" I ask and he bites his lip. I stare at his eyes in the dim light as he casts stray glances around the room.

"Um... What's your favorite color?" 

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