Part 28

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We talked for a while after that. Talked and joked. To change it up we abandoned the merry-go-round of memories and headed to the swings of light banter as the sky turned the colors of autumn. We then talked about conspiracy theories and favorite authors. Then favorite viral videos and strange things we've found in the deep dark depths of the internet.

We walked back to the tour buses, laughing and tired. He walked me over to my RV and I hugged him once more before bidding him goodbye and returning to my friends. I laid back on my bunk, trying to be relieved but feeling worried instead.

There's only a few more days of tour left.


The end of the last day of tour.

Last show.

I walked off the stage with the last song still echoing through my head. We all chugged down our bottles of water and sat. After a few minutes of us all melting into the backstage couches Chris came to retrieve Ricky, who left with him. Mark took his place on the couch and stared hard at us all, probably annoyed he couldn't play at the end of tour.

Afterwards we all went out to eat and celebrate. We exchanged phone numbers one last time and while eating we spoke about how we'll spend tomorrow. I stayed silent and so did Meg, who left us to use the bathroom around three or four times. I leaned over once and asked if she was okay. She nodded her head yes and looked away.

I remembered what she'd told me the night Ricky confronted me about my nonexistent pregnancy. Meg had said she'd panicked and told him that out of fear, to get him away from me.

Why? I'd asked and she'd said To protect you.

From what?

The same situation I got myself into.

I was a bit more sympathetic to her now. I would've panicked too. I wondered when she would tell Ian she's carrying his baby.


The plan was for me to pack up all my stuff from the RV and keep it in my hotel room. I'd go out with the guys during the day to the lake then we all take a plane home the following morning. Chris hates planes, but home is on the whole other side of the country and it would be faster and easier to just fly. He grudgingly agreed to it after I slapped his ass with some logic.

I left the hotel room and took the elevator down to the lobby. There's just something I love about fancy hotel elevators-they have this really nice smell- it's just great. I'm inhaling this fucking moving box smell when the doors open and I see this lady in a skin-tight leopard print leotard and bright blue eye shadow. She got on and stood right next to me and though she wasn't looking directly at me I could see her glaring through her peripheral vision. It was probably cause the white hair and the piercings.

The doors opened again and she got off muttering "weirdo" under her breath. Once the doors closed I finally laughed and waited for the elevator to continue it's descent. Two floors later I was in the lobby, still giggling. When the doors parted I walked out and saw Ricky and Chris laughing as TJ sailed through the room on a luggage cart, earning glares from the front desk man. Mr. Moseby would not have approved of that. Not in his goddamn lobby.

I told them about the leopard leotard lady as we walked out.


The drive was only about thirty minutes and I spent it fantasizing about seeing my cats. Dani and I had only been talking briefly, but she'd told me about Andy getting worse. He wasn't eating much at all anymore and he'd gotten really thin.

Thinking about my cat being unhealthy and depressed made me feel depressed which was really depressing because today was a day I didn't want to feel depressed. Laying on the couch, I buried my face in my arm and sighed kind of dramatically. Something hit me in the head and I looked up in time to be struck in the nose by a flying fruit. Ryan grinned at me from the kitchen.

"Ow. Fuck." I said, somehow feeling kinda better.

"You weren't supposed to move your face."

"Sorry," Chris said from the other couch, "He's been throwing and hitting food a lot lately."

"We're here!" Balz announced from the passenger's seat as Angelo pulled in the parking lot. "Ya know, I heard they have a waterfall here."

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