Part 22

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I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Cody opened it and I walked in. Meg saw me and looked to the side like she could barely stand the sight of me. 

"Can I talk to Via?" I asked. 

"She's sleeping." Cody said and there's a big thump sound back by the bunks. 

"No, she's not!" Via walked out and when she sees it's me, she back steps once then looks at Meg. Meg sniffed and brushed her hair in front of her face. What the hell is happening? "What can I help you with?" 

"I need to talk with you." 

"Okay." We stepped outside and she shifts from one food to another. I stare at her belly, which looks incredibly thin for someone who is supposedly pregnant. She's waiting for me to say something but my words won't come. Then she says, "Why did you try to sleep with Meg?"


"You tried to sleep with her. She said you pushed her up against your RV or something."

"I never did that." I said, dumbfounded,  "Via I swear to god I never tried or wanted to have sex with Meg. She asked me to meet her behind my RV. She tried to sleep with me and I turned her down." 

She sighed, looking frustrated and tired. 

"Meg came back bawling."

"Yeah she cried when I walked away. I never touched her, though. I promise."

"She said you left bruises on her where you grabbed her." 

"Check her then. I didn't leave bruises and I never grabbed her." I looked her in the eyes, because that's what they say liars can't do. I wasn't lying. She broke the stare first and sighed again. I had a thought then. If Meg had lied to Via about me, but maybe she'd lied to me about Via. "Can I ask you something kind of personal?" 

"What?" she was staring hard at me, I could see in her eyes she was thinking deeply about this. 

"Are you pregnant?"

"God, I hope not." 


"That's a 'no', Ricky. Do I look pregnant to you?" 

"No... But." 


"That's what Meg told me. She said you were pregnant."

"What? When?"

"Before I walked away. After she tried to sleep with me."

"Oh my god." she sighed, "Stay here." she disappeared inside and through the door I heard muffled talking. Then muffled yelling. Louder yelling. Then quiet talking. Finally they both walked out and Meg had been crying again. 

"I'm sorry I lied to you." she said. And then turned around and walked away. 

"I have no idea what's happening with her, and what I do know she made me swear to keep secret. So, sorry for that. Sorry for shunning you at the breakfast restaurant. Um... OH YEAH." she disappeared again and came out dragging Ian. 

"Apologize to Ricky for punching him in the face."

"That was months ago." Ian said.

"Then say it and we can all move on with our lives." Via said and Ian looked at me. The awkwardness was real.

"I honestly don't even remember punching you but... uh, sorry, man." Ian said.

"It's fine." I looked away and Via smiled a tired smile. 

"See, kids was that so hard?" she laughed as Ian retreated to his bus like a wounded bear to his cave. We both stood there awkwardly. I looked at her and she looked at me until the laughter faded from her eyes and then she looked away. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. Which was a stupid question. 

"I'm tired"  was all she said, and then said she'd talk to me later. Then left. I walked back to the tour bus. I should probably feel better, right? Via wasn't pregnant. She knows I never tried anything with Meg. But there was still this horrible lingering feeling that something was wrong. It was like we'd only solved one problem in many. 

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