Chapter 48 ♛ The Book

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Adriana's Pov
Finally! I finally am finally being set free from this jail cell. It's been a week and I'm able to leave today. The doctor wanted to make sure I was okay before I left. I can't wait to go home! Well I don't exactly remember my home, but I'm pretty sure it will be nice. Plus, Edmund is bringing me there.

Speaking of Edmund, he's come to visit every single day. Not one day has he not come. It makes me happy that someone cares about me.

I'm allowed to stand up and walk around so I walk over to the painting on the wall I've noticed. The one that seems familiar somehow. I still haven't figured it out yet. How could a Viking ship be familiar? "Guess who?" A voice says with their hands covering my eyes.

"Sounds like Nurse Winston" I joke, obviously knowing it's Edmund.

"How'd you know?" He laughs and takes his hands off my eyes.

"Your high pitch woman voice gave it away" I smile and he laughs again.

His laugh makes me happy. It makes me feel like everything's alright. Sometimes it makes me feel like I was never in a car accident that made me lose my memory. It's really sad I've lost my memory, all my memories with Edmund, who is such an amazing guy.

"Are you ready?" He asks and I nod.

Edmund brought over some clothes for me to wear so I don't have to wear this hospital rope.

After the doctors checked me one more time and we checked out we walk to Edmund's car. I haven't been in a car since the crash and I'm honestly a little scared. "It's okay. We'll be fine" he says and rubs my back.

I take a deep breath and get in the passenger seat of the car and buckle in. I grab onto the base of the seat and nod, "okay we can go" I say and I hear Edmund laugh.

"What?" I ask, looking over at him.

"Nothing" he laughs and he starts the car.

Once we get to my apartment I quickly get out of the car. We made it. Edmund walks up the steps of a beautiful apartment. "Is this mine?" I ask and he nods.

I look at it and I love it! There's a lamppost right in front. It sparks something in my brain, but I don't know what. Maybe I still need more time. Viking ships and lampposts. I have no idea how any of those could be familiar.

"You coming?" Edmund asks and I nod.

I walk up the steps and he opens the door, revealing a very nice, and very clean apartment. "Seem familiar?" He asks.

"No. But it feels like home" I say and he smiles.

I walk through the apartment just looking at things. The living room, the kitchen, even the bathroom. "Want to go upstairs?" Edmund asks and I nod.

I walk into what I assume is my room. It's nice. I open a drawer and go through it. Clothes, which doesn't flicker any memory. I then hit my hand off something.

I dig through the clothes and pull out a box. A nice, very detailed box. I walk over to my bed and sit down and open it revealing an unbelievably beautiful ring! "What did you—" Edmund says and then stops in his tracks.

This ring. It's familiar, very familiar actually. It's so detailed, so beautiful. I haven't seen anything like it in my life. I look over at Edmund who is just staring at it. "W- what? Do you know where I got this?" I ask.

Edmund's Pov
Her ring. I can't believe she has it, after all these years. I still don't even understand how. You're not able to bring things out of Narnia. "Y- yeah" I say.

I don't really know what I'm going to say. I feel like it would be weird if I said 'oh yeah. Did I forget to mention, we're married in a magical land called Narnia?' I have no clue how this is going to work. "It's a long story, maybe another day" I say and she nods.

I can tell she somewhat remembers the ring. Maybe not what it's from, but by the expression on her face, I can tell it seems familiar to her. "I'm going to the bathroom" she says and I nod.

I walk around her room and see a book on her side table. It's quite big. I pick it up and flip to the first page. The Chronicles Of Narnia. No flipping way. She was writing a book about Narnia!

I read the first few pages and it's about a girl names Ella Chapel and how she came to Narnia. Then it hits me, she's Ella Chapel! She's writing her story of her adventures in Narnia. I flip to the middle and read a page and it's the night of the party at Caspian's castle after the battle. Thomas Richardson, I'm Thomas. And Peter is James, Susan is Sandra, and Lucy is Janet.

This book is our Narnian Adventure.

I flip to the end but it's not finished! She didn't finish! And now, I don't think she'll ever be able to finish. Not if she doesn't remember.

A/N- Ahhhhhhhhh. Cliff hanger! This is a SUPER short chapter, but at least it's something. I have exams so I have like zero time to write because I'm studying so much. Now how is Adriana going to finish the book if she doesn't remember!?? Thank you guys for 48k+ reads like that's so crazy!!! Almost 50k! Also thank you for all the votes they mean the world to me. Next chapter as soon as possible!

— Brianna🌸

Also, when do you guys have exams? I have mine June 22, 23, 24, 27.

Our Narnian Adventure » Narnia/ Edmund Pevensie FanFic #TheHeavenlyAwards2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang