Chapter 29 ♛ The Spell To Make The Unseen Seen

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Adriana's Pov
Day comes and we begin sailing again. I sit at the front of the boat letting the wind brush against my face, the fresh smell of the ocean is lovely too. I begin humming, I'm not sure what the song is, or if it's even a song.

After a bit I walk back to everyone on deck, Lucy is sewing something, Caspian is talking to Drinian, Edmund is working on his sword, and Eustace is....... I don't know what he's doing. It actually looks like he's talking to a bird, he's a strange boy that one.

I walk over to Edmund and stand beside him. He holds up the sword and he has it about one fourth of it uncovered. "It's going to be wonderful" I smile and he smiles back.

He puts it down and moves and motions me to sit down, so I do. "So how's Cambridge?" I ask, "terrible" he grunts.

"Come on, don't be like that" I laugh, "there has to be something good there" I say and he just shakes his head.

"I have to live with Eustace!" He says, "come on.... He's not that bad" I lie, actually he's only been here a few days and he's already gotten on my nerves. Edmund then gives me a look, "I know, I feel really bad for you and Lucy" I say.

"Well right now I'm here with you, not Eustace" he smiles and wraps his arm around me, "I'm glad you pick me over Eustace" I smile back.

"I'd pick you over him any day" he laughs and so do I, "good" I say.

Then I hear things falling on deck and Edmund and I look over and see Eustace running with a knife, and it looks like there's something in his shirt, and Reepicheep is running after him. "That was the stealing" Reepicheep says splicing Eustace's shirt, "that was the lying" he says taking an orange out from inside his shirt, "and that" he says hitting Eustace in the face with the orange, "was for good measure."

"He deserved it" Edmund says and I laugh, "come on" I say and pull him over to the crowd to watch.

We get a spot to see and Eustace swings the knife a few ones but Reepicheep dodges them easily. "Now we have ourselves a dual!" He smiles, "catch" he says and throws the orange at me.

I thankfully catch it and continue watching. "Now come on" Reepicheep smiles, "take your best shot."

Eustace swings the knife around and Reepicheep dodges it like it's nothing. I'm a little scared of Eustace with a knife, he's probably going to kill somebody with it, not on purpose but because he doesn't know what he's doing, he's just swinging it around.

"Stop flapping your wings like a drunkin' pelican!" Reepicheep says, "poise! Keep your blade up" he says and surprisingly Eustace does as he's told.

He swings and Reepicheep jumps on his back and over to the ropes, "be nimble, it's a dance" he says and Eustace swings this sword/knife.

"Again" Reepicheep says and Eustace swings again and misses, "and again" Reepicheep says.

Then he falls off the edge and Eustace runs over to look for him.

Reepicheep comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder with his tail and I hold in my laugh, "and that is that" Reepicheep says and pushes Eustace to the floor.

Eustace knocks a barrel over and a little scream comes out of it. I look at Ed and he gives me a confused look. I walk over and a little girl comes out, and it's not just a random girl, it's the girl from the island who's father joined the crew just yesterday. I remember seeing her, "look" I say and everyone goes quiet.

"Gale?" The man who I assume is her father says, "what are you doing here?" He asks and walks towards her and gives her a hug.

"Looks like we have a new crew member" I smile and hand her the orange.

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