Chapter 6 ♛ The Great Lion Is Dead

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Susan's Pov (first time!)
Lucy woke me up and she said that she saw Aslan outside so that's where Lucy and I are now. Then I see him and he's walking away! I wonder what's going on.

We follow him through some trees, trying to as quiet as possible. "Shouldn't you both be in bed?" Aslan stops and says.

Lucy and I come out from behind a tree and walk up to him, "we couldn't sleep" Lucy says.

"Please Aslan. Couldn't we come with you?" I ask, wondering what he's doing at this time of night, and I bet Lucy is wondering too.

"I would be glad for some company for a while" Aslan calmly says, "thank you."

He seems sad, like he knows something's going to happen. But what?

We walk for a bit though the forest with Aslan, not saying a word. Then we stops, "it is time" he says "from here I must go on alone."

"But Aslan-", "you have to trust me, for this must be done" he says cutting me off.

"Thank you Susan. Thank you Lucy. And farewell" he says looking at us once more and walks away.

We decide to see where Aslan is going, he's acting very strange. Ever since his meeting with the White Witch he's been acting strange.

Lucy and I hide behind a fallen tree and watch as Aslan keeps walking. There are torches and some of the White Witches army. They're all crowded around an area, and as Aslan passes them they growl or hiss at him.

Then the White Witch herself appears with a dagger in her hand. We can't hear what she's saying but the animals start to cheer a bit. What's happening? What is Aslan doing?

Then a minotaur forcefully pushed Aslan to the ground, "why doesn't he fight back?" Lucy asks and I can see the sadness, and worry in her eyes.

I look back and they start tying him up and a dwarf runs up to him and cuts a part of his main off and everyone cheers. Then they all crowd around him cutting all his fur off!

Big ugly pig beasts start dragging him up the stairs to a stone table that the White Witch is standing in front of. The animals started cheering again but the White Witch holds out her hand and they all stop, and silence falls over.

They start to hit their sticks against the ground at the same time, wolves start to howl, and the Witch bends down beside Aslan and whispers something to him. How I wish I could heart what she's saying.

"Tonight!" The Witch calls out. I can just hear her voice, her terrible voice.

"The deep magic, will be appeased!" She says, "but tomorrow, we will take Narnia FOREVER" and all the animals around her start to cheer loudly.

The she says something but I can't hear, she holds up a dagger above Aslan who is lying there helplessly.

Then I see Aslan look at Lucy and I, his eyes full of guilt of us having to see whatever we're about to see, but he has a look like he knows what he's doing. "And DIE!!!" The Witch yells and plunges the dagger into Aslans heart.

Tears start to build up in my eyes and I look over at Lucy who is already crying. How could she do that? Why did she do that? Why did Aslan let her? I take Lucy into a hug and comfort her, she's too young to see this.

"The great cat, is DEAD!" The White Witch yells and everyone cheers. Then a Minotaur lets out a bone chilling battle cry and their cheers seem to get louder and louder.

Lucy and I wait until all the animals and White Witch clear out. Once they do, we run up to Aslan's limp body on the stone table.

Lucy sits beside him and goes for her healing cordial, "it's too late" I say "he's gone."

She slowly put it back and I walk up to the other side and sit by Aslan. "He must have known what he was doing" I say trying to comfort Lucy.

Lucy starts to cry and hugs Aslan. Seeing her cry just makes me cry and I hug Aslan too.  Mice start to chew at Aslans body, "get away" I say trying to move them, "no" Lucy says.

"Look", I look over and they're breaking the ropes that are tied around Aslan. Lucy and I start to help untying the ropes too.

"We have to tell the others" I say, we have to let them know.

"We can't just leave him" she says looking at me with tears in her eyes, "there's no time, they need to know" I let Lucy know.

Then she looks around and it looks like she has an idea. "The trees" she suddenly says.

Edmund's Pov
"Your majesties?", "Your majesties?" I open my eyes and a centaur is standing above Adriana and I.

I look down at Adriana who is sleeping peacefully with her head resting on my chest. I don't want to wake her up, but I do by gently shaking her. "I'm sorry to waken you, but I have some bad news" she says looking quite sad. I wonder what's wrong.

"What's wrong Athena?" Adriana asked sitting up quickly and so do I, "Aslan-" she pauses, "is dead" she says and hangs her head.

How could he be dead? "What! How could this happen?" Adriana asks standing up and grabbing my hand and pulling me up onto my feet as well.

"None only than the White Witch your majesty" she answers.

"Does Peter know?" I ask, "yes your majesty" she nods.

"We should go back to the others" Adriana says looking a little sad, but more confused than anything. I nod and we follow Athena back to camp.

A/N- This is like a filler you could say, you probably already knew all this but yeah. It just has to be in the story or it wouldn't make a lot of sense. Like just randomly without saying that Aslan is dead dowsing make sense so yeah. The upcoming parts are going to be more exciting don't worry. And in this part I had Susan point of view! I basically only have Adriana and Edmunds point of view but every once and a while there will be Peters or Susans or Lucy point of view. Hope you like it so far.


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