Chapter 9 ♛ Aftermath

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Peter's Pov (first time!)
I was fighting the White Witch and then a tip of a sword appeared through her neck and she collapsed into the ground in front of me! It was very strange. "Peter!" Two voices say and I shake my head and see Susan and Lucy running towards me.

Lucy quickly gives me a hug and Susan stops and looks around, "where's Edmund?" She asks, then I remember.

We run over to him and he's on the ground and gasping for air. A dwarf is coming up to him with a knife but Susan shoots an arrow at him and he falls to the ground and rush over to him.

Susan takes off his helmet and Lucy puts a drop of the fireflower juice in his mouth. Then he stops. He stops moving. He stops gasping for air, and it's silent.

All three of us are watching Ed and he's not moving. Tears start to form in my eyes and I can see Lucy is already crying and Susan has a few tears running on her cheeks.

Then he starts to cough, he opens his eyes and I've never been happier to see him. I quickly grab him and pull him into a hug, "when are you going to learn to do as your told" I ask and he smiles at me.

Lucy and Susan hug Edmund and I join them. "Wait" Lucy says and we all look at her.

She stands up and starts to look around, "where's Adriana? She asks. That's when I realize. We all get up and look around for her.

Then I see her! "Guys she's over here!"

Edmund's Pov
I've never been happier to see my brothers and sisters. I really thought I was done for. When Lucy mentions Adriana we all start to look for her. She has to be okay. I remember her telling me she liked me back, and she kissed my cheek! "Guys she's over here!" I hear Peter shout and we all run over to her.

We all surround her and there she is, on the ground with a dagger in her side. "Where's her sword?" Susan asks, and it's not in or near her hand, or in it's sheath.

"Look" Lucy says, we look over and she's over by the White Witchs body and she pulls Adriana's sword out of her neck!

"She's the one who killed the White Witch" Peter says.

Lucy brings it back and puts a drop of the fireflower juice in her mouth.

Why? Why did she have to go and try and kill the Witch? Well she didn't try, she did. But if she didn't maybe she'd still be alive.

I realize I'm crying and Peter and Susan have tears in their eyes and Lucy is already crying. I don't even try to stop myself, I know why I'm crying. I don't want to lose Adriana.

Then she starts to cough. My eyes lighten up and she opens her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes, I'm so happy to see them again. I immediately hug her and she hugs me back with one arm.

I let go and see her staring at the dagger in her left side....

Adriana's Pov
I hug Edmund back, I'm just glad he's okay. Then a shot of pain goes through my body and I remember about the dagger in my side and I look down at it. "We have to get that out" Peter says.

I nod and take Edmunds hang. Peter takes hold of the handle and I squeeze my eyes shut, I don't want to watch.

I can feel it slowly coming out, it hurt but it was a good sort of pain. Kind of like when Edmund relocated my arm.

Once it's all the way out Lucy hands me a cloth and I put it on the wound to stop the bleeding. Then Lucy picks up her healing cordial and smiles and runs off to the fallen Narnian soldiers.

Edmund helps me up and we hug again, it's good to be in his arms again. Then it hits me.

We won!

A/N- Yay the first movie part I guess is almost done! As I said I've combined all the movies into one fanfic so it's all in this book so yeah! I'll update as soon as possible and I can't thank you enough for all the reads and votes! Next movie part in this book is Prince Caspian obviously so that's very soon and I'm so excited and I have plans for that!! Stay tuned!

~ Brianna🌸

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