Chapter 10 ♛ Kings And Queens Of Narnia

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(Adriana's coronation dress, hair, shoes and crown about. Lol lets just pretend there are five thrones in the picture cause I can't make there be five so just picture it)

Adriana's Pov
A week goes by and we all stay in Cair Paraval. Today Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, and I are to be crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia.

My dress is beautiful, I never thought I'd even wear a dress like this in my life let alone like it! The red skirt went down the the floor and the top was decorated with gold patterns, there was also a necklace with a gold chain and red stone in the middle, and my shoes were simple but elegant white flats with gold decorations. (Dress and shoes above^)

The door opened and Athena walked in. "You look stunning your majesty" she smiles.

"Thank you" I curtsy at her and she brings me in front of a mirror and starts doing my hair.

I can't believe this is me, in this beautiful dress, in this castle I've only seen in movies or a dream. Athena finished my hair and it's beautifully pulled back into a twist, it's hard to explain but I loved it (hair above^). "It's amazing, thank you so much" I smile.

"Anytime your majesty. It's time to go now" she says and walks out.

I look at myself once more in the mirror and walk out the doors of my room and I see Lucy run up to me. "Adriana" she laughs and gives me a bone crushing hug, "you look so pretty" she says.

"And so do you, as always" I smile and and runs off to Susan, Peter, and Edmund who are coming over towards me.

"You look wonderful" Susan says and hugs me, "so do you" I smile.

Peter just hugs me and talks to Susan and Lucy. I look over at Edmund who is standing there just looking at me and his mouth is slightly open.

I laugh and walk to him, "you don't look bad yourself" I say and he focuses back again. "S- sorry. You just look............ B-beautiful" he smiles and I can feel my cheeks warm up.

I look into his brown eyes, I swear I could look at them all day. He starts to lean in and so do I. Our faces just inches apart until Peter interrupts us, "come on slow pokes it's time fo-" he says then bursts out laughing once he realizes what was about to happen.

Both Edmund and I's face turn bright red and we look at each other and laugh slightly.

He takes my hand and we walk to the hall for our coronation.

Edmunds Pov
Of course! Of course Peter had to come that second! Adriana looks so beautiful in her dress and hair all done up. She looks beautiful everyday, but I couldn't keep my eyes off her.

We walk together, her hand in mine. Her small hand fits perfectly in mine, like they were made for each other, or like two puzzle pieces.

We pass Narnians in the crowd and I let go of Adriana's hand and we are placed in order. Me on the far left, then Peter, Adriana, Susan, and Lucy on the far right.

We walk up the steps and stand in front of the thrones and face the crowd.

Adriana's Pov
I see Aslan, Mr.Tumnus, and the Beavers walking towards us. And Mr. and Mrs. Beaver are holding crowns on a pillow and Mr.Tumnus follows.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant" Aslan says and Mr.Tumnus walks up to Lucy with a silver crown with little flowers on it and gently places it on her head.

"To the Great Western Wood, King Edmund, the Just" Aslan says and Mr.Tumnus places a silver crown on Edmunds head. Like the ones you see in movies that Princes and Kings wear. He looks over at me and smiles and I smile back, he looked so cute.

"To the Radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle" he says and Mr.Tumnus places a gold crown with flowers on Susan's head.

"To the Clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent" Aslan says strongly and the crown placed on his head was much like Edmunds but bigger and gold.

"And to the protector of Narnia, for all of Narnia until the end of time, I give you Queen Adriana, the spectacular" Aslan says and Mr.Tumnus places a beautiful crown on my head. It was gold with silver and just breathtaking.

We all sit down in the thrones and I look at everyone in front of me, Aslan, the Beavers, Mr.Tumnus, Orieus, and many more. "Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen" Aslan says, "may your wisdom brace us until the stars rain down from the heavens."

"Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Adriana! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy!" Everyone chants and I can't stop smiling.

I look over at Edmund who is already smiling at me and I smile back.

I'm a Queen?!

A/N- Yay! It was really hard to think of what Aslan should say about Adriana before she got her crown if that makes sense. I don't know it took me a while.
A few more chapters until we're into the second movie I'm so excited!!
Hope you like this so far and are as excited as I am for the next movie to start!


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