Chapter 16 ♛ A Not So Surprising Surprise Attack

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Adriana's Pov
Edmund and I look around the corner and see a guard. Then a gryphon picks the guard up and Edmund and I jump down.

Ed takes out his flashlight and signals the other gryphons with Caspian, Peter, and Susan to come and open the gates below for the troops to come in.

We both see the three fly over us and I walk to the other side of the tower and keep an eye out for any guards.

For a while there's nothing, yes there are guards everywhere but nothing to affect anything. Every once in a while Edmund would make a face at me and I would try to keep it together.

Edmund was swinging the flashlight around and then a cry echoes through the castle and I jump and Edmund fumbles with the flashlight and it slips out of his hands and drops to the level below.

Ed and I go down the stairs and see a guard below us pick up the flashlight and turn it on in his face.

Bells go off all around the castle and I can only assume it means the castle is under attack, which it is. I knew this was going to happen.

The guard then looks around, waving the flashlight around in the air. I look at Edmund and I jump down into the guard and Ed follows.

Another guard comes through the door and swings his sword at me. Edmund is fighting the other guard near the edge. "Go! signal the troops!" I hear Peter call out, "I'm a bit busy Pete" he answers.

I elbow the guard and swing my sword and he falls to the ground. I turn around and run over to the guard fighting Edmund and I stab his shoulder and he falls to the ground.

Edmund smiles and picks up the flashlight but it wasn't working. Probably because it's been dropped so many times. He hits it trying to make it work. Finally it turns on and he signals the troops to come.

Edmund and I make our way to the gate house making sure no one spots us. We climb over the roof to see what's happening.

The sounds out swords clashing together and screams of people. Then Telmarines come out of a door and line up with cross bows, aiming at people from above just below us, one was pointing at Peter.

We climb over and slide down the roof and Ed and I both push a guy over the side of the edge and he falls down to the ground. "Ed! Adriana!" Peter yells, "look out" he points.

We look over and the Telmarines are pointing their cross bows at Ed, they don't seem to notice me for some reason. "Go" I whisper, he gives me a hesitant look so I just push him through the open door and close it so the arrows don't hit him.

I stand up and draw their attention away from Ed. They shoot at me but miss and I run down the steps and pull out my sword and start fighting.

Telmarines charge at me but I kill everyone one that comes in my way. They swing but I block it and hit their sword out of their hand or I spin and swing at them.

Occasionally I would get hit or cut a little, but nothing serious enough to stop me.

But then again, I got stabbed with a dagger before I killed the White Witch and I kept going. But nothing like that has happened.

I keep fighting until a Minotaur comes crashing down in front of me, crushing the Telmarine soldier I was fighting.

I look up and see Miraz up on the balcony, I wonder if Edmund's okay. I hope he is.

Then the gate starts to close and a Minotaur goes under to try and stop it and hold it up. "Fall back!" Peter yells, "we need to retreat!"

I go towards the gate but Telmarines keep getting in my way, and Peter keeps telling everyone to retreat.

Caspian comes over on a horse with his professor and he has or extra and he hands me the reins. I look at Peter and he runs towards us, "Peter take the horse" I say handing him he reins, "bu-", "just take it!" I yell, cutting him off.

He gets on the horse and starts running towards the gate and I run behind him. Then someone shoots an arrow at the Minotaur holding up the gate. He struggles to hold it up, Peter and Caspian get through and just before I could get through, the Minotaur collapses in front of me and the gate closes.

Peter stares at me with guilt in his eyes and so does Caspian. I hold my sword over my chest and nod and go back to fighting.

I knew that if I was standing I would get killed so I cut my arm just to draw a little blood and I put it all over my neck and as weird as it sounds, I played dead.

This is my only chance at survival and I hope it works.

Edmund's Pov
Adriana sacrificed herself for me. She could be dead for all I know. I shake that terrible thought out of my head and the guards are trying to break through the door.

I'm trapped and there's no way to escape other than falling to the ground or towards the soldiers.

Then two Telmarine soldiers break through the door taking me out of my thoughts. I look down over the ledge and see a gryphon coming to get me.

They get closer and closer to me with their swords. Then when the gryphon is under me I slip off the edge and thankfully land on its back.

I fly over the castle to where we meet, which is just past the gates over the bridge. As we fly over I look down and see all the dead bodies on the ground, and all I'm hoping is that Adriana isn't one of them.

I fly for about a minute and then land beside Peter who seems sad, disappointed, guilty. "What's wrong?" I ask and he just looks down, "where's Adriana?" I ask and no one answers.

I look over at Susan and she gives a a sad look.


She can't be dead.

We walk back to Aslans how in the dark without talking. We've lost so many soldiers tonight and we got nothing accomplished.

Peter's Pov
It's my fault. It's my fault Adriana's dead. If I didn't take her horse, she could still be alive, or I could have grabbed her and pulled her onto the horse with me. But no, I was stupid and ran.

And the last thing I said about her was that she was useless and had no power and she heard me, and still sacrificed herself for me.

"What happened Pete?" A voice says coming behind me. I turn around and it's Edmund, how am I supposed to tell him?

'Yeah I killed your girlfriend' or 'it's my fault she's dead.' He's going to find out eventually but I don't want to tell him, and he even told me to listen to Adriana and not do this stupid surprise attack, but I didn't listen. If I listened she would be alive.

Telling him is the right thing to do. "I'm so sorry Ed. Adriana gave me her horse to get away and it's my fault she's dead. I should have grabbed her or not taken the horse but I was stupid and took the horse and ran. I'm sorry Ed, it's my fault" I say quickly.

He just stares at me as we walk, I'm expecting him to hit me or something but surprisingly he didn't. "She sacrificed herself for me too" he quietly say.

"When we pushed the men off the balcony she pushed me through the door and distracted them to save me" he says.

"I should have pulled her with me" he says looking down.

Silence comes between us and we don't speak the rest of the way back.

A/N- Wow. Lol I made Peter have a soft side in this chapter. Ah what's going to happen next!? Lol I hope you're enjoying this fanfic! I'll try and update as soon as possible it depends when I'm busy and when I have time to write. Sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes I'll fix them later. Thank you so much for 2K reads it blows my mind. It may not seem like a lot to some but it does to me so thank you so much and also thanks for voting it makes me really happy lol. Also you're comments make my day, I love reading them.


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