Chapter 25 ♛ Cast Aways

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The next day

Adriana's Pov
It's the morning and I'm sitting in the same room I was in yesterday. I'm just looking out the window thinking about everything. When something exciting's going to happen, if I'm ever going to see Edmund and Lucy again.

Then I hear the door open, "there you are" Caspian says walking in. I simile and he sits down beside me, "are you alright?" He asks.

Over the past three years Caspian has become like an older brother to me. He's always looking out for me and I know I can talk to him about mostly everything. "Honestly" I start, "no." Being the only girl on the ship is hard, Caspian tries his hardest to help me but some things only another girl can understand or help with.

"What's up?" He asks, "I don't know low long I can do it Caspian" I say looking out the window again.

"Do what?" He asks giving me a confused look, "they've been gone got three years and Edmund probably has a new girlfriend and has forgotten about me. I can't do this 'see each other for a month or two and then be gone for years' it's too hard" I say.

Caspian gives me a sad look, "I miss them too" he says comforting me.

"Caspian" a voice says and Drinian (I might have spelt that wrong sorry) walks in. "Your majesty you might want to come out on deck" he says.

Caspian nods and he stands up, "Adriana" he says and I look over at him, "can you look for the Map of Narnia please" he asks.

I nod and we both walk off.

Edmunds Pov
I'm in line to become a soldier. I couldn't use my ID. So I took Aunt Alberta's. It was my turn so I walk up to the soldier at the desk. "Alberta Scrubbs?" He asks looking at the ID.

"Actually" I say trying to make it sound believable, "it's Albert A. Scrubbs. It was a typographical error."

"Are you sure you're eighteen?" He asks handing me back the ID and I nod.

"Why?" I ask, "do I look older?"

"Edmund" I hear someone say, I look up and it's Lucy and she's holding the grocery bags, "you were supposed to help me with the groceries" she says and I know that blew my cover.

Others behind me start to laugh, "maybe next year squirt" the guy behind me laughs. I roll my eyes and walk out with Lucy.

"Squirt?" I say, "he barely had two years on me!"

"I'm a king" I state and Lucy hands me a bag of food, "I've lead armies! I've fought wars!" I say.

"Not in this world" Lucy reminds me. I wish we could have stayed in Narnia with Caspian and Adriana. I miss them, especially Adriana. Sometimes I think she's probably moved on, but something inside me tells me to keep hope. Girls always ask me who Adriana is and I say she's a family friend.

We walk to Aunt Albertas and Uncle Harold's. We have to stay there because of the war. I wish we didn't, Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold aren't really the problem, they barely pay attention to us, it's our cousin Eustace. I have to share a room with him and he makes me want to stab my eyes with forks, he's so annoying, and tries to get Lucy and I in trouble all the time.

"Hello Uncle Harold" Lucy says as we walk in and as usual, he's in his chair reading the paper. Then I hear someone coming down the stairs. I look over and roll my eyes knowing it's only Eustace.

"Shall I start to make soup?" Lucy asks and he doesn't even respond, he just continues to read the paper. He always does that, and as childish as it seems for a 17 year old, I stick my tongue out at him. He wouldn't notice anyways, heck he wouldn't even notice if there was a bloody tornado!

Our Narnian Adventure » Narnia/ Edmund Pevensie FanFic #TheHeavenlyAwards2017जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें