Chapter 8 ♛ And The War Begins

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Adriana's Pov
We all head to the rocks where the battle will be. I'm on the big rock in front of the rest of our team with Peter on my right and Orieus on my left.

I'm on Bliss, Peter is on a white unicorn, and Orieus you know, he's part horse he doesn't need one.

The gryphon flies in to us to report on the White Witches army. He lands beside Peter looking a bit worried. "They've come your majesties, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own" he reports.

"Numbers don't win battles" I say trying to be optimistic.

"But I'm sure they help" Peter says looking nervous.

Then I see a minotaur appear, he stands on a big rock and lets out a horrible battle cry and then I see them appear in the distance. Thousands upon thousands of them. Many different types of animals, minotaurs, dwarfs, Giants, Tigers, and many more. Then the White Witch appears. She's being pulled in a chariot by two polar bears.

I look over at Peter and he's shaking, so am I. I lean over and put my hand on his shoulder, "it's going to be fine" I smile trying to make it better.

'I hope', I think to myself. I look back at Edmund who is standing up above where it's safer. He gives me a nod saying it's going to be okay and I slightly smile and turn back.

I pull out my sword and so does Peter and Orieus and we hold them out pointing towards the White Witch and her army.

Centaurs walk to their place and Narnians begin to cheer.

Then the Minotaur on the other side lets out another horrible battle cry and they all jump down from the rocks and start running towards us.

We all stand silent as they get closer, then gryphons fly into the sky dropping rocks on the opposing team and they begin to fall to the ground. Some shoot arrows at them and some gryphons fall from the sky.

"Are you with me?" I ask looking forward, "to the death" Orieus says.

I nod at him and then look at Peter, he nods back. I look forward again and watch as they get closer and closer and my heart began to race. "FOR NARNIA!!" Peter yells, "AND FOR ASLAN!" I finish and we all start to run towards them.

There's no going back now.

I ride beside Peter and Orieus and other centaurs catch up, cheetahs run ahead and centaurs around us lower the poles.

We keep running and I swear things went into slow motion. As we get closer and closer to them, running at full speed, and I thought my heart could not go any faster but it did. I could feel my heart practically beat out of my chest. And for a while all I could hear is the sound of my heart beating, thump thump, thump thump. I pull out my sword and focus. I grip my sword tighter making sure it doesn't fall out of my hand just like that we collide with their army and I have my first kill and things seemed to go back to normal.

The way the cyclops cried and fell to the ground was horrific.

I shake it off and focus on what I have to do, I may not want to kill anyone or anything but it has to be done.

I hit my sword against another sword and swing and hear another cry. Something inside me just came, a feeling of determination. What the White Witch has done to so many Narnians is not forgivable and now she and her army will pay the price.

I go though many of them killing all that get in my way. And it seems like one is always coming at me. I kill one and right away another comes at me.

The sounds of cries and swords hitting together are all around. There's blood everywhere. But this is the way it has to be settled.

Susan's Pov
I wake up and look around and I immediately remember what happened last night. I look at Aslan's body lying there and Lucy wakes up too.

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